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Category: FTMWeekly Radio Show

March 31, 2012 Category: FTMWeekly Radio Show

Our Favorite Precious Metals and Commodity Investments for 2012

Host Jerry names some of his favorite precious metals, agriculture, commodity, and energy stocks on this week’s show. Special guest: Bill Fleckenstein.

March 24, 2012 Category: FTMWeekly Radio Show

Red and Blue and Broke All Over: Restoring America’s Free Economy

Host Jerry Robinson welcomes author, Charles Goyette. Goyette discusses his latest book Red and Blue and Broke All Over.

March 17, 2012 Category: FTMWeekly Radio Show

An Update on Precious Metals and Consumer Debt

Host Jerry Robinson and Precious Metals Advisor Tom Cloud discuss the diamond market and breaks some important news about diamonds that you don’t want to miss in this week’s Precious Metals Market Update.

March 10, 2012 Category: FTMWeekly Radio Show

Petrodollar Warfare: Why The U.S. Economy Requires Perpetual War

Listen as Jerry Robinson explains why the Petrodollar system has created a need for perpetual war by the United States. This is an eye-opening radio show! Don’t miss it!

March 3, 2012 Category: FTMWeekly Radio Show

Ron Paul vs. The Fed: What’s the Real Inflation Rate?

Listen as Rep. Ron Paul confronts Federal Reserve Chair Ben Bernanke on the real inflation rate and competing currencies.

February 4, 2012 Category: FTMWeekly Radio Show

How to Make Money Despite Low Interest Rates

Here’s how to make money despite low interest rates with precious metals, dividend paying stocks, and stock trading.

January 7, 2012 Category: FTMWeekly Radio Show

FTMWeekly Radio: Welcome to the American Police State 2012

What is the Future of the Alternative Media in the American Police State in 2012? The National Defense Authorization Act has chilling effects. SOPA is also dangerous. Jerry also issues a strong warning and prediction about what lies ahead for the country and the alternative media.

December 17, 2011 Category: FTMWeekly Radio Show

FTMWeekly Radio: Making Money Despite the Eurozone Debt Crisis

Jerry is joined by Agora Financial’s chief economist, Michael Pento. Michael is a fellow Austrian economist and will share his take on the global economic crisis and what lies ahead. In addition, he explains the best way to play these tumultuous markets despite the continuing crisis in the Eurozone.

December 3, 2011 Category: FTMWeekly Radio Show

FTMWeekly Radio Show: Gerald Celente Speaks Out on the MF Global Scandal

Jerry is joined by Gerald Celente for a discussion on his recent financial losses in gold futures with the bankrupt MF Global. Additionally, Gerald and I will discuss current events as well as what to expect in the days ahead.

October 15, 2011 Category: FTMWeekly Radio Show

FTMWeekly Radio Show – Do You Have the Midas Touch? An Interview with Robert Kiyosaki

This week’s radio show includes: an interview with best-selling author and successful investor, Robert Kiyosaki about his latest book, Midas Touch.

September 17, 2011 Category: FTMWeekly Radio Show

FTMWeekly Financial Radio Show – On the Road to a One World Currency

On this week’s program, we will discuss what is happening in the global economy and how bad things are really going to get. Our special guest today says things are just getting warmed up and that the real economic pain still lies straight ahead. Trace Mayer will be here to discuss the economy, offshore investing, as well as his book, The Great Credit Contraction.

September 3, 2011 Category: FTMWeekly Radio Show

FTMWeekly Financial Radio Show – The Secret to Wealth Creation

On this week’s program, a shocking jobs report release and another rough week on Wall Street continues to cause more uncertainty among investors. In this week’s special guest interview, we welcome back veteran money manager and financial commentator, Paul Nolte. Paul and Jerry will discuss what lies ahead for stocks, energy, precious metals, as well as the U.S. Dollar and the Euro.

August 13, 2011 Category: FTMWeekly Radio Show

No FTMWeekly Radio Show This Week

Due to Jerry’s travel schedule, our regular FTMWeekly Radio broadcast has been pre-empted this week.

Jerry will return next Saturday, August 20th.

August 6, 2011 Category: FTMWeekly Radio Show

FTMWeekly Radio: How to Build a Financial Fortress

On this week’s program, panic grips the global financial markets as investors fear that the worst may be far from over. It was a roller coaster ride in the world stock markets this week, as all three of the major U.S. stock indices suffered their worst week in over two years. In Segment One, I’ll provide my commentary and I will also be joined by Precious Metals Advisor, Tom Cloud. Tom will be here for this week’s Precious Metals Market Update.

Then, in Segment Two, in response to many listeners who have been expressing concern over the economy, I will continue my discussion of the financial solutions that we have created here at called the Five Levels of Financial Freedom. This week, I will delve into Level Two which is all about asset, income, and life protection. If you want practical financial strategies, do not miss this segment. Here, Jerry Robinson discusses Level Two of our Five Levels of Financial Freedom. Jerry gives 3 defensive financial strategies to protect your finances and explains how to build a financial fortress.

July 23, 2011 Category: FTMWeekly Radio Show

FTMWeekly Radio – The Vortex Strategy: An Interview with Dr. Chuck Missler

On this week’s program, we kick the program off with an update on the financial markets followed by this week’s Precious Metals Market Update with Precious Metals Advisor, Tom Cloud.

Then, in Segment Two, Jerry will be joined in a special interview with popular Christian minister, Dr. Chuck Missler. Missler is the founder of Koinonia House ministries and will be here to provide his unique perspective on current events and the global economy.

And finally, in Segment Three, we’ll be joined by Retirement Specialist, John Bearss. John will be here in our weekly Financial Strategy segment with more insight on retirement planning.

July 9, 2011 Category: FTMWeekly Radio Show

No FTMWeekly Radio Show This Week

A Due to Jerry’s travel schedule, our regular FTMWeekly Radio broadcast has pre-empted this week.

Jerry will return next Saturday, July 16th, with an exciting show featuring G. Edward Griffin. Griffin is a friend of FTMWeekly Radio and is the best-selling author of the book The Creature From Jekyll Island.

Be sure to tune in next week!

May 28, 2011 Category: FTMWeekly Radio Show

The Roots of Obama’s Rage: A Conversation with Dinesh D’Souza

On this week’s program, our special guest is former White House policy analyst and New York Times best-selling author, Dinesh D’Souza.

May 21, 2011 Category: FTMWeekly Radio Show

The Hidden Agenda: The Truth About U.S.-Israeli Relations

This Week’s Topic: 1) The Hidden Truth About U.S.-Israeli Relations and 2) Secrets of Urban Survival.
This week’s special guest interview: 1) Author David Morris.

May 14, 2011 Category: FTMWeekly Radio Show

FTMWeekly Radio – All Eyes on Commodities: Where Are Prices Heading? (Hour 2)

In our second hour, Jerry is joined in a special interview with one of the world’s foremost commodity experts, Rick Rule. Rick will be here to give us his latest insights on commodities and where prices are heading next.

And finally, after a special announcement for all of our FTMQuarterly subscribers, it is time for this week’s Financial Strategy segment with Retirement Specialist, John Bearss. This week, John continues his series on what you need to know about the Social Security system.
And finally, after I give a special announcement for all of our FTMQuarterly subscribers, it is time for this week’s Financial Strategy segment with Retirement Specialist, John Bearss. This week, John continues his series on what you need to know about the Social Security system.

April 23, 2011 Category: FTMWeekly Radio Show

FTMWeekly Financial Radio Show: Three Ways to Buy Foreign Currencies

Follow the Money Weekly Radio is a financial radio show about the stock markets, commodities, energy investing, the global financial crisis, where to invest money, where to buy gold and silver, saving money, finding a financial advisor, and paying off debt. Hosted by economist and best-selling author, Jerry Robinson. For the best in financial news, listen to the Follow the Money Weekly Financial Radio Show.

January 22, 2011 Category: FTMWeekly Radio Show

The Pirates of Manhattan: Exposing Wall Street

Listen as author Barry James Dyke explains the corruption on Wall Street and his latest book, The Pirates of Manhattan.

January 15, 2011 Category: FTMWeekly Radio Show

FTMWeekly Financial Radio Show: What Lies Ahead in 2011 + How Hyperinflation Will Happen

This Week’s Topic: What Lies Ahead in 2011 and How Hyperinflation Will Happen. This week’s special guest interview: Gonzalo Lira. Follow the Money Weekly Radio is a financial radio show about the stock markets, commodities, energy investing, the global financial crisis, how to prepare for the coming hyperinflation, where to invest money, how to buy gold, how to buy silver, saving money, finding a financial advisor, and paying off debt. Hosted by economist and best-selling author, Jerry Robinson. For the best in financial news, listen to the Follow the Money Weekly Financial Radio Show.

January 7, 2011 Category: FTMWeekly Radio Show

Can The Tea Party Save Washington?

On this week’s program, will the 112th Congress be able to tame Washington’s debt and denial and can the Tea Party save Washington?

November 19, 2010 Category: FTMWeekly Radio Show

Conspiracy of the Rich: An Interview with Robert Kiyosaki (Rich Dad, Poor Dad)

In this week’s special guest interview, Robert Kiyosaki joins Jerry Robinson to discuss his new book, Conspiracy of the Rich.

November 10, 2010 Category: FTMWeekly Radio Show

What Jerry Thinks: Don’t Fall For The Wealth Effect

Printing more money is not going to solve America’s ongoing economic crisis. Instead, it will only serve to further aggravate our financial problems.

October 29, 2010 Category: FTMWeekly Radio Show

Isralestine: The Future of the Middle East (Bill Salus Interview)

In this week’s special guest interview, Bill Salus joins Jerry Robinson to talk about the future of the Middle East and his popular book on Bible prophecy, Isralestine: The Ancient Blueprints of the Future Middle East.

October 22, 2010 Category: FTMWeekly Radio Show

How to Ditch Your Cube and Be Your Own Boss: Pamela Slim Interview

Listen as Jerry Robinson interviews Pamela Slim, a best-selling author and successful business coach about how to escape from corporate life.

October 16, 2010 Category: FTMWeekly Radio Show

Can Capitalism Save Us? An Interview with Steve Forbes

In this exclusive interview, Steve Forbes explains his view on the mid-term elections, the economic crisis, plus his predictions on precious metals.

October 9, 2010 Category: FTMWeekly Radio Show

Confessions of an Economic Hitman | An Interview with John Perkins

Jerry is joined by New York Times best-selling author and former “economic hitman”, John Perkins. Perkins is author of Confessions of an Economic Hit Man and Hoodwinked.

September 25, 2010 Category: FTMWeekly Radio Show

Is the Dow Jones Going to 2,000? An Interview with Robert Prechter

Does Elliott Wave predict a deflationary depression or hyperinflation? Is the Dow Jones going to 2,000? Listen to the discussion with Jerry Robinson and Robert Prechter.

September 18, 2010 Category: FTMWeekly Radio Show

How To Find Global Investment Opportunities – Bud Conrad Interview

In our special guest interview, Jerry sits down with Bud Conrad, popular author and chief economist at Casey Research.

September 14, 2010 Category: FTMWeekly Radio Show

The Creature From Jekyll Island – An Interview with G. Edward Griffin

This Week’s Topic: The Creature From Jekyll Island, A Second Look at the Federal Reserve. This week’s special guest interview: G. Edward Griffin. Follow the Money Weekly Radio is a financial radio show about the stock markets, commodities, energy investing, the global financial crisis, how to prepare for the coming hyperinflation, where to invest money, how to buy gold, how to buy silver, saving money, finding a financial advisor, and paying off debt. Hosted by economist and best-selling author, Jerry Robinson. For the best in financial news, listen to the Follow the Money Weekly Financial Radio Show.

September 4, 2010 Category: FTMWeekly Radio Show

The Shocking Truth About Money – Ellen Brown Interview

This week’s guest interview is with Ellen Brown, the author of Web of Debt. Listen as Ellen shares the shocking truth about our money system and how we can break free.

August 28, 2010 Category: FTMWeekly Radio Show

Puru Saxena Interview: Investing in China and Precious Metals

Listen as money manager Puru Saxena shares tips on investing in China and precious metals in this interview with Jerry Robinson.