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Category: US Dollar Crisis

June 26, 2024 Category: US Dollar Crisis

PODCAST: America’s Looming Debt Crisis

In this episode, we explore the urgent and underreported U.S. debt crisis, unpacking what the staggering numbers truly mean for current and future generations. Later, get key insights into where the stock and crypto markets might be heading.

February 27, 2019 Category: US Dollar Crisis

Four Reasons Not To Miss The 2019 Follow The Money Investing Summit

The 2019 Follow the Money Summit promises to be the best one yet. Meet like-minded individuals and walk away with an action plan.

June 6, 2016 Category: US Dollar Crisis

INFOGRAPHIC: It’s Time to End the Fed

Let’s be blunt: The Federal Reserve is a fraud.

March 24, 2015 Category: US Dollar Crisis

CHART: U.S. Dollar Tests Major Support Level

If the U.S. dollar closes below this line, it will be the first time since the breakout began last July.

February 26, 2015 Category: US Dollar Crisis

CHART: A Visual Update of the U.S. Dollar vs Gold

If you own gold, this is the chart to watch…

January 13, 2015 Category: US Dollar Crisis

Bankruptcy of our Nation by Jerry Robinson

Get Jerry Robinson’s book, Bankruptcy Of Our Nation, for only $12 + Free Shipping. This is your complete financial survival guide.

January 5, 2015 Category: US Dollar Crisis

This is the Chart of the Year for Precious Metals Investors

Precious metals investors should watch this chart closely in 2015.

November 13, 2014 Category: US Dollar Crisis

CHART: Gold vs Dollar Since 1990

The U.S. Dollar is nearing an important resistance level…

June 13, 2014 Category: US Dollar Crisis

Fiat Currency Definition: Silver Dollar vs. Federal Reserve Note

Jerry Robinson explains fiat currency in less than 2 minutes.

May 30, 2014 Category: US Dollar Crisis

The Colder War and the End of the Petrodollar

Another step has been taken toward the end of the U.S. dollar as the world’s reserve currency, thanks to a major gas deal.

August 15, 2013 Category: US Dollar Crisis

India’s Risky Venture: Buying Iranian Oil

For those who understand the insidious nature of America’s global petrodollar scheme, the Congressional retaliation at Iran’s insistence on selling its oil in currencies outside of the U.S. dollar is no surprise.

August 10, 2013 Category: US Dollar Crisis

Hyperinflation 101 + Syria Outlaws the U.S. Dollar

As Syria is confronting with a new bout of hyperinflation, we examine the hyperinflationary epispodes of the past with Dr. Steve Hanke.

August 5, 2013 Category: US Dollar Crisis

Syria Bans Use of U.S. Dollars Amid Hyperinflation

Syrian President, Bashar Al-Assad has just issued a grim decree that outlaws the use of all foreign currency, including the U.S. dollar, in commercial transactions.

July 22, 2013 Category: US Dollar Crisis

The “Unofficial” Republican Guide to the Debt Ceiling Debate

Confused about the recent debt ceiling debate? Let Jerry’s satirical piece be your guide.

July 20, 2013 Category: US Dollar Crisis

America Distracted by Cheap Money as World War 3 Looms

As Bernanke blows bubbles, and Americans obsess over racial tensions, the rest of the world is preparing for war.

June 26, 2013 Category: US Dollar Crisis

UK, China Sign Historic $33 Billion Currency Swap

The Yuan enters the big leagues as it secures its first currency deal with a G-7 country.

June 1, 2013 Category: US Dollar Crisis

Is This the Calm Before the Storm?

On this week’s show, Jerry provides market commentary, along with an interview with John Rubino on solar energy. Tom Cloud is here to give an update on silver and palladium.

May 6, 2013 Category: US Dollar Crisis

Federal Reserve ‘Blows More Bubbles’

We are certainly not in a recovery. We don’t see the long unemployment and soup kitchen lines like in the Great Depression, but that’s just because the lines are electronic now.

April 3, 2013 Category: US Dollar Crisis

Bankruptcy of our Nation by Jerry Robinson: $7.99 Digital Edition Special!

Get Jerry Robinson’s new book, Bankruptcy of our Nation: 21 Income Streams to Create Now and in Retirement….Digital Special!

March 30, 2013 Category: US Dollar Crisis

BRICS Summit 2013: A Rising Economic Challenge to the West

On this week’s show, Jerry discusses the BRICS Summit 2013 and the economic challenge it presents to the West. Special guest: Bill Gertz (Washington Times)

March 23, 2013 Category: US Dollar Crisis

Economic and Geopolitical Update

On this week’s show, Jerry provides his listeners with a broad update on economic and geopolitical events. Special guest: Dr. Paul Cleveland

March 18, 2013 Category: US Dollar Crisis

The Congressional Budget Debate Is Just A Sideshow

Neither party’s budget reduces spending…

Category: US Dollar Crisis

Ron Paul: The Congressional Budget Debate Is Just A Sideshow

The debate over the federal budget and even the battle over the Federal Reserve are ultimately arguments over symptoms rather than the cause.

March 3, 2013 Category: US Dollar Crisis

The Sequester ‘Crisis’ And What Should Be Done

Despite the alarm over cuts that are not real cuts, it is clear that the US government is not serious at all about changing its ways.

February 16, 2013 Category: US Dollar Crisis

The Writing is on the Wall for the U.S. Dollar

On this week’s show, Jerry discusses why the U.S. dollar will continue to face difficult times ahead plus how you can break the paycheck to paycheck cycle.

February 11, 2013 Category: US Dollar Crisis

Jerry Robinson with Michael Savage on the Savage Nation

Listen as Jerry Robinson discusses the economy and his latest book, Bankruptcy of our Nation, with popular talk radio show host, Michael Savage.

February 6, 2013 Category: US Dollar Crisis

Preparing for the Collapse: Jerry Robinson Interviewed on The Blaze TV

Watch Jerry Robinson on Glenn Beck’s TV network…

January 28, 2013 Category: US Dollar Crisis

Our Desperate Bankrupt Nation

The house of cards that Washington has built will eventually collapse under the weight of time…

January 25, 2013 Category: US Dollar Crisis

German Gold Repatriation 101: Interview with Economist Jerry Robinson

Get the details on the recent German Gold Repatriation with Economist Jerry Robinson.

January 5, 2013 Category: US Dollar Crisis

Are We On the Eve of the Next Civil War?

What happened to America? How did a nation that was so prosperous and so unique in its approach to government end up completely bankrupt and run by tyrants?

December 31, 2012 Category: US Dollar Crisis

The Fiscal Cliff Circus

Words simply fail to describe the ineptitude of the Washingtonites…

November 3, 2012 Category: US Dollar Crisis

Reframing the Economic Crisis: Streaming Video Presentation with Jerry Robinson

Here’s Jerry’s latest video presentation on the economic crisis along with his best investing and income ideas. Get the instant video download now for only $4.95!

September 20, 2012 Category: US Dollar Crisis

An Update on the Coming Dollar Collapse

Jerry talks with John Rubino from about the ongoing economic crisis, plus an update on precious metals by Tom Cloud.

August 11, 2012 Category: US Dollar Crisis

Gold and Silver are Breaking Out

Many timing services are indicating that gold and silver are breaking out. We expect both metals to move much higher by the end of the year.

August 4, 2012 Category: US Dollar Crisis

Money as Debt (Eye-Opening Documentary)

“Everything you think you know about America’s monetary system is wrong…”

April 19, 2012 Category: US Dollar Crisis

Where Your 2011 Federal Tax Dollars Went

The Federal Income Tax deadline was two days ago (April 17), so I hope you filed on time or filed an extension to avoid those penalties. As you wrote that check to the IRS, did you happen to ask yourself, where is this money going?

April 7, 2012 Category: US Dollar Crisis

Is A New Global Gold Standard Coming?

Is the world moving closer towards a new gold standard? Tom Cloud, Precious Metals Advisor, has the answer to this question, as well as the latest updates on gold, silver, and palladium in this week’s Precious Metals Market Update.

September 26, 2011 Category: US Dollar Crisis

NJ Church Gives Away $30,000 in “Reverse Collection” Baskets

This was one collection basket parishioners couldn’t pass up. Liquid Church of New Jersey allowed parishioners at its Sunday services to forgo donating and instead take money out of the collection basket.

September 14, 2011 Category: US Dollar Crisis

Income Slides to 1996 Levels

The income of the typical American family—long the envy of much of the world—has dropped for the third year in a row and is now roughly where it was in 1996 when adjusted for inflation.

Read the article…

August 7, 2011 Category: US Dollar Crisis

Weekend Roundup: A Brief Update on the U.S. Downgrade

While I am on the road this weekend, I am keeping a close eye on the unfolding drama in the global economy. After the S&P’s decision to downgrade America’s credit rating, things are certain to get interesting this week.