Ron Paul Thwarts Attack By Mainstream Media
Here's an interesting exchange between Bob Schieffer from CBS News and Rep. Ron Paul. Despite Schieffer's best attempts to distort Paul's views, Paul courageously defends himself. The media bias against Ron Paul is obvious.
Rep. Ron Paul Not Invited to Forum hosted by Republican Jewish Coalition
Although Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) is the GOP candidate currently polling around third in New Hampshire and second in Iowa, he has not been invited to a presidential-candidates forum hosted by the Republican Jewish Coalition on Wednesday, December 7th.
WikiLeaks Exposes Details of Global Spy Industry
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange just published hundreds of files detailing a global industry that gives governments tools to spy on their citizens.
Secret Federal Reserve Loans to Wall Street Banks Nets $13 Billion in Profits
Wall Street Banks Earned Billions In Profits Off $7.7 Trillion In Secret Fed Loans Made During The Financial Crisis
What Jerry Thinks: Supreme Court Takes On Obamacare, Strange Lines in Gobi Desert
Jerry gives some brief comments on the Supreme Court’s recent decision to hear a challenge to Obamacare. He also discusses what to expect on this weekend’s FTMWeekly radio show which includes special guests, Peter Schiff, and David Morgan. And what are those strange lines in the Chinese desert?
Putin Calls for New “Eurasian Union”
Here are the latest details on the coming Eurasian Union. Vladimir Putin, the Prime Minister of Russia, is intent on building a “Eurasian Union” of ex-Soviet states, according to an article in the Izvestia newspaper on Tuesday. Here’s the details…
Bernanke Admits the Bogus “Economic Recovery” is Faltering
Who didn’t see this coming? The bogus “economic recovery” that the current administration, the U.S. Treasury, and the Federal Reserve have been touting for the last 18 months is now, according to Fed Chief, Ben Bernanke, “close to faltering.”
GALLUP POLL: Government “is” the Problem
A record-high 81% of Americans are dissatisfied with the way the country is being governed, adding to negativity that has been building over the past 10 years.
S&P Downgrades Italy
Standard and Poor’s downgraded its unsolicited ratings on Italy by one notch to A/A-1 and kept its outlook on negative, a major surprise that threatens to add to concerns of contagion in the debt-stressed euro zone.
SAT Scores Fall Nationwide: Another Sign of U.S. Economic Decline
The College Board today announced that 43 percent of 2011 college-bound seniors met the SAT® College and Career Readiness Benchmark.
Greenspan: No U.S. Default Because ‘We Can Always Print Money’
Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan on Sunday ruled out the chance of a US default following S&P’s decision to downgrade America’s credit rating because the U.S. “can always print money.”
Get Ready: QE3 Is On The Way, Gold & Silver Prices Soar
Editor’s Note: As FTMDaily predicted several months ago, the Federal Reserve has just announced today that it plans to launch a new round of stimulus. We have mentioned that the Fed would make the public beg for this, as stocks tumbled and the economic conditions worsened. However, it doesn’t seem like the Fed is shy about their plans anymore. The announcement is even earlier in the year than we expected. However, the announcement is not a shock to all of us here at FTMDaily. Expect more to come as the Fed lays out its plans to “boost” the economy. More about QE3 and gold-silver pricing…
The Fed ‘Doesn’t Have a Clue’… Really?
We believe that the Fed is ultimately planning to print more money in the form of another round of quantitative easing. However, the Fed wants the population to feel like they desperately need it. Therefore, as a prerequisite to “QE3”, stocks must be decreasing and retirement accounts must be plunging. If the majority of America’s 401(k)’s are going down in value, then the Fed would be applauded for its money printing. If the financial markets are healthy, then the Fed would be demonized for its massive influx of new cash into the system and subsequently blamed for inflation.
Greece Shaken by Anti-Austerity Riots; Debt Fears Escalate
Editor’s Note: Today’s turmoil in Greece is continuing to roil the financial markets. The slide in the equity and energy markets today show the major impact that the Eurozone worries are having on investors.
My Recent Run-in with the Federal Reserve Police
Most Americans have no clue that the Federal Reserve is not part of the U.S. Federal government. But even fewer know that they have a machine-gun toting police force as well.
End of QE2? Lack of Buyers May Force Treasury to Boost Rates
Editor’s Note: If you have been listening to our weekly radio show, hosted by Jerry Robinson, you know that Jerry expected headlines like this one to precede the end of the QE2. No amount of interest rate hikes will solve our crisis now. In fact, an increase in interest rates with housing and the financial markets in their current precarious state would act as a wrecking ball to the economy. We continue to expect the mainstream media to push the Fed’s story of the end of QE2 and imminent interest rate hikes in order to drive the markets downward. Once the markets dip enough, Americans will be ready for another round of quantitative easing from the Fed. And then the real fun begins…
The Fed Is Going To Make You Beg
It helps if you think of the Fed as a drug pusher. Pushers don’t “market” their drugs. Instead, they rely upon the addicts to come crawling back for more. The Fed doesn’t need to push QE3 on the public. This would only bring more attention to its true intentions. Instead, the Fed will let the public demand it.
The Day I Woke Up From the Consumption Trap
In today’s piece, I recall the moment that I realized the difference between consumers and producers.
The Mad Scramble for Iraq’s Oil Reserves
What the mainstream media never told you about the Iraq war…
How America’s Petrodollar System Influenced the 2003 Iraq War
One of the more sensitive, and therefore veiled, aspects of the petrodollar system is how it has impacted America’s relations with the Middle East. In life, everything boils down to incentives. If we are hoping to grasp how the world around us works, we must understand that behind every decision lies an incentive. Let’s see what role the power of incentives plays in the petrodollar system when it comes to American foreign policy in the Middle East.
Peak Oil 101: What You Should Know About The “End” of Oil
One of the greatest – and most imminent – challenges looming on America’s economic horizon is the threat of global peak oil production. You may have heard of the phrase “peak oil” from television, newspapers or other media sources. But what exactly does the phrase “peak oil” mean? Well, just like everything else, there is a simple answer and a more complex answer.
How to Inflation-Proof Your Savings Through Diversification (Part 3)
Here’s how we create stellar returns using a basket of foreign currencies, precious metals, and U.S. Dollars.
How to Inflation-Proof Your Savings Through Diversification (Part 2)
Here’s the results of a study that was done on our DSL (Diversified Six-Month Liquid) Savings strategy measuring total returns for three different time periods. The findings are completely stunning!
How to Inflation-Proof Your Savings Through Diversification (Part 1)
If you want to dampen the ravaging effects of inflation on your money, diversifying your savings should be a priority.
March Madness Strikes Washington
In March, the U.S. Federal government collected $194 billion in tax revenue but reported $1.1 trillion in expenses. The ponzi scheme continues…
Federal Reserve Loans Billions to Prop Up Foreign Banks
Recent revelations show that the Federal Reserve’s “discount lending window” had become an ATM for foreign banks with billions in loans handed out to them.
FTMDaily Financial News Update – The Fed is Dead Wrong… Again
Almost three years after Bloomberg LP requested details on the emergency bank loans given out by the Federal Reserve at the height of the economic crisis, the records are finally being delivered.
Wal-Mart CEO: ‘Serious’ Inflation is On the Way
Wal-Mart CEO, Bill Simon, is sounding the alarm of what he is calling a coming wave of “serious” inflation that he says will strike U.S. consumers in the coming months. f
FTMDaily News Update – What’s Behind Russia’s Dramatic Economic Rise?
In 2010, the Russian MICEX Index has returned over 22%. And now in 2011, the index is already up 15%.
(In contrast, China is up only 5% so far this year. Brazil is down around 2% for the year while India has lost 10% so this year.)
So what’s behind Russia’s recent and dramatic rise?
Goodbye “Cheap” Chinese Goods
When my daughter was younger, I used to offer her 25 cents for every item that she could find in our local Wal-Mart store that was not “made in China,” or some other Asian nation. Needless to say, she rarely walked out of the store with any money.
Mr. Boehner vs. The Tea Party
Speaker of the House John Boehner has had to contend with a large and contentious Tea Party caucus since taking power. Now, he may soon be out of power.
Will the Euro Survive or Will the Euro Collapse?
Will the Euro survive? Or will the Euro collapse? There are a lot of questions swirling around the debt-ridden Eurozone. Before I tell you my thoughts, let’s take a brief look at how all of this mess got started.
Another Deadline Looms For a Government Shutdown
After the latest budget measure passed by Congress with both parties vowing that they will go no farther, we ask yet again, will there be a government shutdown?
The West vs. Gadaffi
by Eric Hammer | FTMDaily Contributing Writer TEL AVIV, Mar 21 – As the fighting in Libya continues to take a toll on the civilian population there, the United States and her allies are entering the third day of their offensive to enforce a no fly zone over parts of the North African nation. President […]
FTMDaily News Update – Beware the Ides of March
The global financial markets continue their tailspin today in the wake of the devastating quake and tsunami which struck the world’s third largest economy last week.
Saudi “Day of Rage” May Fizzle on the Launching Pad
A so called “Day of Rage” has been scheduled for tomorrow in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The planned protest has been called for on a Facebook group which sports some 17,000 members and has sent the market for crude oil into emergency standby mode.
Get Ready for a REAL National ID Card
The REAL ID has been postponed once again. On Friday, Congress passed a law extending the deadline for states to comply with the new law, this time extending the deadline out to January, 2013. However, a number of states are still actively refusing to participate and have passed laws forbidding the use of the REAL ID program. Thus, for all intents and purposes, all Congress has really done is to pass the buck from the 112th Congress to the 113th Congress.
The Chinese Giant Awakens Militarily
In a move which is making a number of countries in the region nervous, the People’s Republic of China announced recently that it was increasing military spending by 12.7% this year.