(Recorded on 01/14/25) In this members-only webcast, trading coach Jerry Robinson shares our dollar-cost-average investment strategy for Q1 2025, including the specific stocks, ETFs, and cryptos we are buying. – DCA Investment Strategy 101 –...
Segment 1: The Global Solar Energy Revolution is Here to Stay
Segment begins at 00:31Economist, best-selling author, and Trading Coach Jerry Robinson addresses the likely impact of President Trump’s 30% tax on imported solar panels, the reasons behind it, and the incredibly, undeniably bright future of solar energy.
- Who benefits from this 30% tariff?
- China is strategically cornering the solar energy market
- The rise and fall of world empires often accompanies the rise and fall of a new energy source
- The world is ripe for the move to renewable energy
- How will this tariff impact solar energy stock prices?
- Coming soon… A new report of our top Solar Energy stocks
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Segment 2: Precious Metals Market Update w/ Tom Cloud
Segment begins at 17:40With over 40 years of market experience, precious metals expert Tom Cloud brings us his perspective of what lies ahead for gold and silver.
- Perth Met is developing a cryptocurrency backed by gold within 12-14 months
- We must not lose sight of the fact that gold is money
- Gold and silver will be the beneficiaries of gold/silver-backed cryptocurrencies
- There is only $3 trillion of gold and silver in the entire world today
- Gold is off to a tremendous start in 2018, up over 3% already
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Call 800-247-2812 now for the best prices on gold and silver coins and receive Free Shipping & Insurance when you mention FTMDaily.
How to Withdraw Money From A 401(k) Before Retirement Age
Segment begins at 26:52Christian financial advisor Mike Mitchell offers an expert voice of wisdom in making proper decisions for sound retirement. Today, he informs us of a little-known and seldom-discussed component of the IRS tax code regarding 401(k) retirement plans: the in-service withdrawal provision.
- You can rollover at least part of your vested funds into a self-directed IRA
- You can protect your assets against market losses as retirement approaches
- You can minimize administrative fees and expenses
Call 833-370-0777 to speak directly with Mike Mitchell about how you can experience a sound retirement.
Segment 4: Jesus Christ: Hope of the Hopeless w/Jerry Robinson
Segment begins at 33:01What does a true follower of Jesus Christ look like? In today’s final word, Jerry reminds us that following Jesus will often lead us to places we would not choose to go, and challenge the lengths of our compassion and devotion.