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Give Us Your Opinion: What Would You Cut From the U.S. Federal Budget To Help Lower Government Spending?

February 5, 2011

    An excerpt from Follow the Money Weekly Radio with Jerry Robinson – 2/5/11

    To hear the entire program, click here.


    Now its time for this week’s Final Thought segment, where we ask you to speak out on today’s important topics.

    Last Week’s Question: Did President Obama’s speech comfort and inspire you or did it increase your concerns about our country’s future?

    Most of you wrote in saying that the State of the Union greatly concerned you… and many of you pointed to Mr. Obama’s seeming obsession with redistributing wealth as the most concerning part of the speech…

    Thanks for all of the comments.

    This week, I want to know what your solutions are for trimming the fat on government spending… So this week’s question is this: 

    This Week’s Question: What Would You Cut From the U.S. Federal Budget To Help Lower Government Spending?

    Send your comments to us by email here. (Be sure to include your name and town.)

    Or sound-off by leaving a recorded voice message on the FTM Toll Free Message Hotline at 800-609-5530. Press option 3.

    (If we like what you to say, we will play your comments on next week’s program. Be sure to speak slowly and begin by telling us your name and town.)

    We will report back to you with the results on next week’s program.

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