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Shared sacrifice will be the new economic order

The laser-like focus on the global financial crisis means investors are back in contingency planning mode while the tools to fend off fiscal Armageddon are again being sharpened by governments and policy makers around the world. But, at times like these, it is important to understand where the real economic power resides, and that is with the people on Main Street.

Ben Bernanke Has Created Half of All the US Dollars in Existence – in Four Years!

“The U.S. turned 234 years old yesterday, and yet over half of the nation’s money supply was created since Helicopter Ben took over the flight controls four years ago. No wonder gold is in a full fledged bull market . . .”

Federal Reserve Surprise! "We may have to print more money" to spur "recovery"

The Fed is now threatening to pull out the big guns.

UN report: Abandon the U.S. dollar

The dollar has proved not to be a stable store of value, which is a requisite for a stable reserve currency.

Asian millionaires overtake Europeans

The net wealth of Asian millionaires has eclipsed that of rich Europeans for the first time.

Is U.S. Now On Slippery Slope To Tyranny? – Thomas Sowell

A democracy needs informed citizens if it is to thrive, or ultimately even survive.

China to Overtake U.S. as World’s Top Manufacturer

The US is about to end a 110-year run as the number one country in factory production.

Seven Big Mistakes People Make When Hiring a Financial Advisor

Here’s how to choose the right steward of your money.

8 Traits for Financial Success

People who understand the keys to success have a sunnier outlook.

U.S. Identifies Vast Riches of Minerals in Afghanistan

The United States has discovered nearly $1 trillion in untapped mineral deposits in Afghanistan.

VIDEO: World Collapse Explained in 3 Minutes

The European sovereign debt crisis is an ongoing financial crisis…

10 Benefits of Expatriation

Everybody has their own personal reasons for expatriating, but here are some of the benefits.

Two More Reasons Why America’s Economic Recovery Is Not As It Seems

The mainstream financial commentators still don’t get it.