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A Deeper Look Into The Release of The 28 Pages

July 21, 2016

    Follow the Money Podcast Main-3

    PODCAST: A Deeper Look Into The Release of The 28 Pages
    Welcome to this week’s edition of Follow the Money Weekly Radio! In this week’s broadcast, Christian economist Jerry Robinson discusses the lingering questions surrounding the release of the 28 Pages, which reveal a direct link between the Saudi government and the 9/11 hijackers. Also, an interview with mobile home park investment expert, educator, and industry consultant Jefferson Lilly. Later, Jerry takes on megachurch pastor Robert Jeffress’ claim that Trump is a better leader than Jesus Christ. Enjoy the show! Subscribe on iTunes | Download

    Segment 1: A Deeper Look Into The Release of The 28 Pages

    After 15 long years, the secret 28 Pages have been released. Tune in to hear the revealing details in this report on what this suppressed document reveals about the Saudi role in financing the 9/11 attack. This document, which has been kept under lock and key by the Bush and Obama administrations since 2002 is available to view on our website here.

    EXPOSED: The Secret Link Between Saudi Arabia and 9/11

    • Jerry Robinson discusses evidence revealed in the 28 Pages establishing a link between the the Saudi royal family and the 9/11 hijackers (15 of whom were Saudis).
    • Why was this investigation quashed for 15 years and why is the release of the document being whitewashed by the media?
    • Jerry takes an interesting look at the timeline of the 28 Pages release compared to the recent events publicized by the media.
    • Is it a coincidence that the coup in Turkey, with all the signs of being staged, occurred within hours of the 28 Pages being released?

    Tune in for a deeper look into the many questions left unanswered.

    Additional Reading Links

    Declassified 9/11 pages show ties to former Saudi ambassador (USA Today)

    9/11 Attackers May Have Had Saudi Help, Classified Pages Say (Bloomberg)

    Congress Releases Classified “28 Pages” of 9/11 Commission Report (The New American)

    Yes, the Saudi government helped the 9/11 terrorists (NY Post)

    “28 pages” showing Saudi connection to 9/11 attacks finally released after 14 years (Salon)

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    Segment 2: Precious Metals Market Update

    Segment begins at 19:45
    Tom Cloud Precious Metals Advisor Tom Cloud shares his latest insights on the market events impacting the price of gold and silver. Insurmountable Debt, Inflationary Pressures, and The Growing Economic Crisis:

    • “Helicopter Ben” Bernanke recently visited Japan to help them solve their deflationary pressures by creating more money.
    • Inflation could lead the Bank of Japan, the second largest holder of U.S. bonds, to liquidate up to $1.2 trillion.
    • With global debt at $100 trillion, US debt at $19 trillion, and no repayment solution in sight, now is the time to consider gold and silver.

    Major political, geopolitical, and economic changes are on the horizon. Listen in to hear more.

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    Segment 3: Interview with Jefferson Lilly

    Segment begins at 27:10
    mobilehomeparkinvestment1In Segment 3, we move into an interview with Jefferson Lilly, a mobile home park investment expert, educator, and industry consultant.

    • Jefferson Lilly, the co-founder of Park Street Partners, made the shift from Silicon Valley to mobile home park investor.
    • Jefferson shares his insights into the highly-fragmented mobile park investing industry, in which supply is low and demand is insatiable.
    • Owning mobile park land — the “real estate not the wheel estate” — and helping residents become homeowners can benefit both residents and investors, Jefferson says.

    To listeners who are interested in owning land or investing, Jefferson suggests resources for expanding knowledge about this market, which is completely accessible to small-scale investors.

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    Segment 4: FTM Weekly News Report

    Segment begins at 48:43
    • Turkey's government blames Fethullah Gulen for coup attempt (Associated Press)
    • Hungary requests International Monetary Fund to leave the country (Blacklisted News)
    • Ron Paul calls for U.S. to exit the Federal Reserve (Zero Hedge)
    • Republican Party platform calls for reinstatement of Glass-Steagall (Zero Hedge)

    Closing Thoughts: Megachurch Pastor Likes Trump More Than Jesus!

    Segment begins at 52:06
    Megachurch Pastor Jeffress: "Why Trump Is WAY Better Than Jesus”

    • When Robert Jeffress, senior pastor at Dallas’ 12,000 member First Baptist Church, endorsed Dr. Ben Carson earlier this year, he encouraged all Christians to apply a rigorous “religious litmus test” when choosing a candidate.
    • When it became clear that Carson would not be the GOP candidate, Jeffress picked Donald Trump, and lashed out at any Christian who would apply such a test to him.
    • Jeffress warns of letting Jesus Christ -- or anyone like him -- anywhere near his precious "Christian" America.
    • Jerry discusses the implications of these comments, and inconsistencies of this pastoral leader’s views. Jeffress believes America is best served by Christian leaders, but is he now advocating they throw out their principles?
    • This is just another example of a fool ensnared by his own mouth.


    If you enjoyed this week's episode, please share it on Facebook, Twitter, and any other social media outlets. Help us spread the word!

    One of the best ways to promote our work is to leave an honest review for Follow the Money Weekly on iTunes! Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show, and I read each and every one of them personally. Thank you for your support! See you next week! Jerry Robinson

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    image credit: Pexels

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