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Category: The Coming Austerity

June 26, 2024 Category: The Coming Austerity

PODCAST: America’s Looming Debt Crisis

In this episode, we explore the urgent and underreported U.S. debt crisis, unpacking what the staggering numbers truly mean for current and future generations. Later, get key insights into where the stock and crypto markets might be heading.

October 27, 2011 Category: The Coming Austerity

Peter Schiff Takes the Crazed Occupy Wall Streeters to School

Economist and author Peter Schiff recently braved a stroll through the loony mob (affectionately referred to as the “Occupy Wall Street” movement by the mainstream media) currently inhabiting Lower Manhattan. He was armed with a video camera and a microphone. There is no need for further comment. Just watch the video for yourself.
There is no need for further comment. Just watch the video for yourself.

September 26, 2011 Category: The Coming Austerity

‘Massive jobs shortfall’ predicted for global economy

International Labour Organisation said the group of developing and developed nations had seen 20m jobs disappear since the financial crisis in 2008.

September 20, 2011 Category: The Coming Austerity

S&P Downgrades Italy

Standard and Poor’s downgraded its unsolicited ratings on Italy by one notch to A/A-1 and kept its outlook on negative, a major surprise that threatens to add to concerns of contagion in the debt-stressed euro zone.

Category: The Coming Austerity

IMF Sharply Downgrades Outlook for U.S, Europe

The world economy has entered a “dangerous new phase,” according to the chief economist of the International Monetary Fund. As a result, the international lending organization has sharply downgraded its economic outlook for the United States and Europe through the end of next year.

September 14, 2011 Category: The Coming Austerity

Income Slides to 1996 Levels

The income of the typical American family—long the envy of much of the world—has dropped for the third year in a row and is now roughly where it was in 1996 when adjusted for inflation.

Read the article…

June 7, 2011 Category: The Coming Austerity

The Decline and Fall of the American empire

The economic powerhouse of the 20th century emerged stronger from the Depression. But faced with cultural decay, structural weaknesses and reliance on finance, can the US do it again?

May 11, 2011 Category: The Coming Austerity

SHOCK: Irish Government Raids PRIVATE Pensions To Pay For Spending

Editor’s Note: Ireland is in a tough financial spot. Unlike the U.S., it cannot simply print money to spend its way out of economic pain. So, with relatively few options, the Irish government is turning on its own citizens. Throughout history, governments have often sought to plunder the wealth of their own citizens through confiscation when they run out of options. It will be interesting to see how the citizens react to this one. Trust me, other governments with similar economic problems will be watching closely too. If little resistance is seen, expect more of this around the globe. It is because of stories like this one that I have been warning for years for Americans to keep their retirement funds diversified. 401k’s and traditional IRA’s are where Americans have been “trained” to store the majority of their retirement funds. For those of you who are interested in creating multiple streams of income in retirement, we are working hard to release a product just for you soon. Stay tuned!

March 31, 2011 Category: The Coming Austerity

Fundamental Changes Coming to Unemployment Next Year

With federal extended unemployment benefits coming to an end this year, some states are getting creative about moving people off the public dole.

March 28, 2011 Category: The Coming Austerity

Riots Engulf Central London as Budget Cuts Come Into Effect

A labor union led protest march in Central London turned violent Saturday as a small group of protesters rioted following the peaceful rally.

March 26, 2011 Category: The Coming Austerity

Mr. Boehner vs. The Tea Party

Speaker of the House John Boehner has had to contend with a large and contentious Tea Party caucus since taking power. Now, he may soon be out of power.

March 24, 2011 Category: The Coming Austerity

Former Union Official Threatens “Economic Terrorism”

by Eric Hammer | FTMDaily Contributing Writer TEL AVIV, Mar 24 – In a move that some right wing bloggers are referring to as “economic terrorism,” a former president of the SEIU (Service Employees International Union), Stephen Lerner, gave a talk at Pace University recently where he proposed a plan to destabilize certain Wall Street […]

March 22, 2011 Category: The Coming Austerity

Another Deadline Looms For a Government Shutdown

After the latest budget measure passed by Congress with both parties vowing that they will go no farther, we ask yet again, will there be a government shutdown?

February 28, 2011 Category: The Coming Austerity

A Federal Government Shutdown: Will They or Won’t They?

The ball is currently in the Democrat’s court. That’s the consensus that the House of Representatives and Speaker of the House John Boehner have offered regarding a possible government shutdown.

February 18, 2011 Category: The Coming Austerity

Silver Prices Set to Explode

Silver Price Set to Explode… Silver is shining brightly as investment demand for the metal shot up this week, driving the price to a new 31 year high. Returns for the week should be about 8%…

July 25, 2010 Category: The Coming Austerity

Nancy Pelosi Steps Right Over the Third Rail

While checking the news on Sunday, I ran across this headline on the Drudge Report…

July 8, 2010 Category: The Coming Austerity

Shared sacrifice will be the new economic order

The laser-like focus on the global financial crisis means investors are back in contingency planning mode while the tools to fend off fiscal Armageddon are again being sharpened by governments and policy makers around the world. But, at times like these, it is important to understand where the real economic power resides, and that is with the people on Main Street.

June 9, 2010 Category: The Coming Austerity

10 Benefits of Expatriation

Everybody has their own personal reasons for expatriating, but here are some of the benefits.