(Recorded on 09/03/24) Historically speaking, September is the weakest month of the year for the U.S. stock market. In this video, learn four ways to counter September’s elevated market risk. Later, Jerry provides an update on Nvidia, Bitcoin, and more. ...
Segment 1: Market Commentary with Economist Jerry Robinson
As markets soar to new all-time highs and cryptocurrencies roar out of the gate in 2020, economist/trading coach Jerry Robinson stresses the importance of watching the charts and following the trend.
- President Trump’s $4.8 trillion spending plan was released on Monday
- Fed Chair Powell testified on Capitol Hill that digital currencies are not going away
- The upcoming bitcoin halving event
Segment 2: An Interview with Precious Metals Expert Tom Cloud
With over 40 years in the precious metals industry, expert advisor Tom Cloud shares his unique professional insight with economist Jerry Robinson.
- Election cycles are great for gold and silver
- Gold may reach new all-time highs in the next 24-36 months
- For 5 consecutive years, central banks have increased physical gold purchases
- Gold/silver ratio is sitting at 90:1 (the mean is 50:1)
- Silver has the potential to shoot up fast
- Palladium’s meteoric rise may be tapering off
- Platinum is 30-40 times rarer than gold
- Anomaly: Platinum is priced 35% less than gold
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Segment 3: The Final Word w/ Jerry Robinson
Jerry closes out today’s show with an eye-opening quote from the 26th President of the United States.