Segment 1: The Next AI Horizon - Operation Stargate SEGMENT BEGINS AT 02:05 Host Jerry Robinson kicks off this episode with a look at Operation Stargate: what is it and why is it pivotal to the world of artificial intelligence? Topics include: What is Operation...
Red and Blue and Broke All Over: Restoring America's Free Economy
…Plus, Jerry Shares His Personal Real Estate Investing Strategy
Jerry Robinson begins this week's program with a compelling commentary on the growing student loan debt crisis and an update on the U.S. housing market. Student loan debt has recently topped $1 trillion for the first time ever. What does that mean to the economy and in particular, the U.S. housing market? Jerry and co-host Jennifer will explore this question and will share with you their personal real estate investing strategy.
*** WHAT JERRY THINKS: How the Student Loan Crisis is Changing My Real Estate Investment Strategy ***
Tom Cloud is out of the country this week, but will return next week for a detailed update on Precious Metals, including gold, silver, and palladium.
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In Segment Two, Jerry welcomes back New York Times best-selling author, Charles Goyette. Charles will be here to talk about the dollar endgame and the crumbling state of the U.S. economy. Charles will also share his solution to revive American prosperity: a return to liberty.
Jerry discusses Charles Goyette's new book entitled Red and Blue and Broke All Over. In the book, Goyette explains how the growth of federal power and its costly warfare and welfare spending are bankrupting America and strangling our prosperity. Charles explains this in detail, as well as offers hope for the return to American prosperity.
In our final segment, Jerry and Jennifer dive into the Listener Mailbag to answer your questions on the direction of the stock market and credit card debt.
*** FREE WEBINAR: The Ugly Truth about Consumer Debt… and How You Can Break Free ***
If you have a question that you would like Jerry to answer on the air, call (800) 609-5530 or email
Then, Jay Peroni, CFP, discusses the potential benefits of investing in REITs in this week's Investing Insight.
*** Looking for investment advice for your 401(k)? Click here to get more information. ***
Finally, we conclude with the Retirement Minute with John Bearss. This week John discusses one of the biggest mistakes people make on the road to early retirement: underestimating inflation.