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PODCAST: Exposing Obama’s Secretive “Free Trade” Deal

May 5, 2015


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On today’s show, economist and founder Jerry Robinson dissects Obama’s highly secretive “free trade” deal known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).

Later, in our special guest interview, Jerry is joined by real estate investor and FTM Insider, Mark Poldolsky. Mark explains how he was able to quit his job after creating a full-time passive income with an unusual investment strategy involving raw land.

Later, Precious metals advisor, Tom Cloud, provides an update on the latest price action on gold and silver.


– What Obama’s highly secretive Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is, and why it is a terrible deal for Americans…

– We follow the money to show you who would actually benefit from the TPP…

– Why modern “free trade” deals are usually a scam…

– An update on the Greek debt crisis and how it could impact gold prices next week…

– How to use an unusual strategy to begin creating a passive income by investing in raw land…

– And much more

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How to Create a Passive Income By Investing in Raw Land – WEBSITE

WEBINAR: Watch as Mark Podolsky Explains His Land Investing System to Jerry Robinson in this special Gold member Conference Call

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Bankruptcy of our Nation (Book)

Today’s Sponsor, Tom Cloud, provides a FREE Precious Metals Investor Kit – Download Now

An Update on Obama’s Secretive “Free Trade” Deal

An Update on Obama’s Secretive “Free Trade” DealIf Americans knew what was inside the TPP, the Congress would never be able to pass it…

That’s why Washington has fought for years to cloak the Trans-Pacific Partnership in secrecy. Many Congressmen are still not permitted to view the bill, which is currently being written by more than 600 American and foreign corporate executives.

The little that we do know about the TPP has come through Wikileaks, which has published portions of the working text. What those few snippets contain is enough for most liberty-minded Americans to know that the TPP is not only bad for our economy, it’s bad for our liberties.

The TPP is a Trojan Horse filled with a shocking bonanza of special rights and privileges for corporations that leaves America’s middle class and working poor on the hook for the bill.

But because the TPP is being written and debated in private, the American people, and even our own elected officials, have been restricted from seeing the details.

Meanwhile, the corporate-controlled media has played right along with the goals of big business to keep reporting on one of the comprehensive trade agreements in American history to an absolute minimum.

This keeps the average American in the dark, which is exactly where Washington, and its corporate sponsors, wants them.

But as one U.S. Supreme Court justice once noted: Sunlight is one the best of disinfectants.

Today, we take on the TPP…

Related Links

Trans-Pacific Partnership Overview (USTR)

Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP): Job Loss, Lower Wages and Higher Drug Prices (

What Is the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement? (EFF)

Trans-Pacific Partnership (Wikipedia)

Expose the TPP: The Trans-Pacific Partnership

Trans-Pacific Partnership: The biggest trade deal you’ve never heard of

Everything you need to know about the Trans Pacific Partnership (WaPo)

Extreme secrecy eroding support for Obama’s trade pact (Politico)

New! Premium Precious Metals Weekly Charts!

While gold, silver, palladium, and platinum have all suffered in recent years, we believe that the current downtrends will eventually end and give way to a new major uptrend.

As we anticipate these new uptrends, FTMDaily has begun providing weekly precious metals trend analysis to all of our FTM Insiders and Pro Traders.

Our weekly trend analysis on gold, silver, palladium, and platinum will keep you “in the know” on the metals. You will know the current trend at all times.

And when the new major uptrend begins, you will know immediately.

This means more profits and a better entry price for the next leg up.

You can learn more specifics about our new precious metals trend analysis here.

Related Links

CHART: Gold Prices Strengthen As Major Buy Signal Looms

PREMIUM: Precious Metals Trends/Charts


Free Precious Metals Investing Resources

Free Precious Metals Investing Resources

Here at FTMDaily, we believe that gold and silver are the best forms of money. We also believe that the current paper money system is going to eventually implode due to unsustainable debt levels. The beneficiaries of such an implosion would include hard assets like precious metals, commodities, and other tangible investments.

Most Americans have never purchased investment grade precious metals. FTMDaily seeks to inform the public on the benefits of owning precious metals. We have created many educational resources that will help any investor — whether novice or advanced — to better understand how to buy gold at the best time, and at the best price.

How to Create a Passive Income By Investing in Raw Land: An Interview with Mark Podolsky

mark-podolsky-250pxWhat if it were possible to make $10,000 a month in real estate passive income within 12 to 18 months by working 2 hours a day from anywhere in the world and
never have to deal with renters, repairs or renovations?

According to Mark Podolksy (AKA “The Land Geek”), it’s not only possible, he has actually done it.

In this unique interview, Mark explains his simple land investing system. (And as an FTM Insider, Mark is also extending tons of free investing education to all current FTM Insiders and Pro Traders! Learn more here.)

If you want to learn more about Mark and his powerful land investing system, click here.

How to Create a Passive Income By Investing in Raw Land: An Interview with Mark Podolsky

Related Links

The Land Geek Investing System

WEBINAR: Watch as Mark Podolsky Explains His Land Investing System to Jerry Robinson in this special Gold member Conference Call


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