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Author: Followthemoney

February 22, 2011 Author: Followthemoney

Shadow Government: An Interview with Grant Jeffrey

Listen as FTM Weekly Radio Host, Jerry Robinson, interviews researcher and author Grant Jeffrey about his book, Shadow Government: How the Secret Global Elite Are Using Surveillance Against You. In this interview, Jeffrey and Robinson discuss the current efforts of the global elite to form a one-world government. Enjoy!


Shadow Government book by Grant Jeffrey InterviewSpecial Guest Interview: Grant Jeffrey (Best-Selling Author, Prophecy Expert, Documentary Filmmaker)

Shadow Government book, an interview with Grant Jeffrey Grant Jeffrey the chairman of Frontier Research Publications, Inc and is the best-selling author of over 27 books, including Shadow Government: How the Secret Global Elite Are Using Surveillance Against You. Grant is recognized as one of the leading teachers on Bible prophecy and an intelligent defense of the Christian faith.

Security cameras, surveillance of your financial transactions, radio frequency spy chips hidden in consumer products, tracking of your Internet searches, and eavesdropping on your e-mail and phone calls. Without your knowledge or consent, every aspect of your life is observed and recorded. But who is watching the watchers? 

About the Host: Jerry Robinson ( (Published Author, Conference Speaker, Economist) Jerry Robinson is an economist, published author, columnist, international conference speaker, and the editor of the financial website, In addition, Robinson hosts a weekly radio program entitled Follow the Money Weekly, an hour long radio show dedicated to deciphering the week's economic and geopolitical news. You can hear more interviews online at

February 21, 2011 Author: Followthemoney

Is It Too Late to Buy Silver? Absolutely Not!

If you’ve been following the investment markets lately, then you know that people have continued to want to buy silver and gold over the past few years, even as prices have continued to rise to stratospheric levels.

February 18, 2011 Author: Followthemoney

Explosive Demand Sends Cotton Prices Soaring

by HOUSTON, Feb. 18 -For the first time ever, cotton prices reached $2 per pound in New York yesterday. Increasing global demand and shrinking supplies drove the commodity to all-time highs. In the wake of global financial crisis, global consumption has begun growing again — especially for textiles and apparel. The demand for clothing and […]

February 16, 2011 Author: Followthemoney

An Interview with Bob Wiedemer on his book Aftershock

Learn how to protect yourself and profit in the next global financial meltdown in this interview with Bob Wiedemer, author of the book Aftershock. A Wiedemer interview.

February 12, 2011 Author: Followthemoney

FTMWeekly Interview: Robert Wiedemer on the Global Financial Meltdown and his book, Aftershock

AFTERSHOCK | An Interview with Robert Wiedemer

FTMWeekly Radio Interview with Author, Robert Wiedemer

Audio Transcript — Saturday, February 12, 2011
Robert Wiedemer talks the how to prepare for the growing global economic crisis and shares insights from his best-selling book, Aftershock: Protect Yourself and Profit in the Next Global Financial Meltdown


FTM (Jerry Robinson): All right, well, joining me on the line is Robert Wiedemer. He’s the president and CEO of The Foresight Group, and he’s the author of the Wall Street Journal best-seller, Aftershock: Protect Yourself and Profit in the Next Global Financial Meltdown.  Bob, it’s great to have you on “Follow the Money Weekly Radio.”

WIEDEMER (Robert Wiedemer): Well, thanks for inviting me, Jerry!  It’s great to be here.

FTM:  Over the last week, Bob (maybe over the last two weeks), I have been seeing Treasury bonds yields have jumped to their highest levels in almost a year.  We have been seeing levels on the 10-year Treasuries hitting 3.7%; the 30-year yields are hitting about 4.7%; leading some economists to believe that rates are beginning to track even higher over the coming months.  My concern here, Bob, is that the Federal Reserve does not have the will or the foresight to slow their easy money policies and their relentless money printing—which is going to lead to massive inflation.  What do you make of the recent moves in the U.S. bond market, and how much faith do you have that the Federal Reserve will react quickly enough to suck out the excess liquidity that they’ve created?

Aftershock | An Interview with Robert WeidemerWIEDEMER:  Well, I think, as you say, the recent moves are partly (obviously) an expectation of inflation.  I’m not sure if we won’t see a pullback in yields, though, shorter term.  But longer term, clearly, you’re going to find inflation becomes the overriding factor—because I don’t think the Fed can pull the money back.  As one of my friends in the Fed has said, “Inflation is not something that’s forced on you; it is a choice.”  And the reason we tend to choose inflation, it is the easy out; it’s a fairly easy way to try and grow the economy.  The other alternatives are not as easy, whether it be taxes or so forth, and so that’s why they tend to go into that trap.  As you said, it’s hard to (quote) “pull the liquidity out once you’re doing it,” because every time you do that you’re going to slow the economy down; you’re going to create problems; and again, there’s no easier out at that point. And you have to, of course, pull the inflation trigger back, or the money supply spigot back even harder, making for a much harder pullback than if you’d just not done it in the first place.  So, it gets harder and harder to pull it back, because you’re having to hit the economy harder and harder than if you just never opened the spigot in the first place.  It’s a little like a Chinese finger trap: don’t put your finger in it. It will be very difficult to pull back out.


February 5, 2011 Author: Followthemoney

Give Us Your Opinion: What Would You Cut From the U.S. Federal Budget To Help Lower Government Spending?

Did President Obama’s speech comfort and inspire you or did it increase your concerns about our country’s future?

Author: Followthemoney

This Week’s Financial Strategy – An Interview with John Bearss

About John Bearss: John R. Bearss is a Retirement Specialist. He has been helping clients and financial professionals understand financial strategies for 24 years. To speak with John Bearss directly, email him at or call 888-914-9909.

January 29, 2011 Author: Followthemoney

Give Us Your Opinion: Did President Obama’s State of the Union Speech Inspire or Concern You?

Do you think that States should be allowed to file for bankruptcy protection? 100% of you voted that the states should not be allowed to file for Federal bankruptcy protection but many of you had some interesting comments.

January 26, 2011 Author: Followthemoney

Give Us Your Opinion: Do you think that States should be allowed to file for bankruptcy protection?

An overwhelming 90% of you voted that the debt ceiling should not be raised and instead the Federal government should have to learn to live within its means…

January 24, 2011 Author: Followthemoney

Market Observations – Jerry Robinson

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January 22, 2011 Author: Followthemoney

The Pirates of Manhattan: Exposing Wall Street

Listen as author Barry James Dyke explains the corruption on Wall Street and his latest book, The Pirates of Manhattan.

January 15, 2011 Author: Followthemoney

FTMQuarterly Newsletter – Winter 2011 Issue (PDF)

Click the link below for a PDF version of the Winter 2011 Issue of the FTMQuarterly newsletter.
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Author: Followthemoney

How Hyperinflation Will Happen – An Interview with Gonzalo Lira

Listen as FTM Weekly Radio Host, Jerry Robinson, interviews Gonzalo Lira, on the topic of hyperinflation. Listen as Lira explains how and when he believes hyperinflation will happen. The entire interview is about 45 minutes long. Enjoy!

Author: Followthemoney

Chinese president: It’s time to dump the dollar

On the eve of a U.S. visit, Chinese President Hu Jintao made the boldest statement yet on the future of the U.S. dollar as a reserve currency, calling the current global monetary exchange system “a product of the past” while promoting his own country’s currency as a replacement.

January 14, 2011 Author: Followthemoney

How to Create A “Go” Bag

One of the first action steps of starting your financial gameplan is to create a “go” bag. What exactly is a “go” bag?

Author: Followthemoney

Jerry Robinson: There is ‘No Bubble in Gold’

As the financial markets in the United States have appeared to be strengthening due to a perceived “recovery,” some analysts are speculating that the bull market in precious metals may be running out of steam. But according to FTMDaily’s, Jerry Robinson, those who are calling a top in gold and silver are dead wrong.

January 12, 2011 Author: Followthemoney

Protecting Your Privacy Both Online and Offline – An Interview with Trace Mayer, JD

Listen as FTM Weekly Radio Host, Jerry Robinson, interviews Trace Mayer, JD, about keeping our personal privacy in the digital age.

January 7, 2011 Author: Followthemoney

Can The Tea Party Save Washington?

On this week’s program, will the 112th Congress be able to tame Washington’s debt and denial and can the Tea Party save Washington?

Author: Followthemoney

Give Us Your Opinion: Should Congress Raise The Debt Ceiling For the 11th Straight Time in 11 Years?

This week, I want to know what you think about raising the Congressional debt ceiling. Currently, the national debt ceiling is capped at $14.3 trillion. According to economists, the debt ceiling will need to be raised by March to avoid the government running out of money – and even defaulting.

December 15, 2010 Author: Followthemoney

PRODUCT REVIEW: The Katadyn Pocket Water Microfilter

I don’t know of a better portable water filter on the market anywhere near this price.

December 11, 2010 Author: Followthemoney

Give Us Your Opinion: How much control should the Federal government have over the American media?

This week, I want to get your thoughts on Federal government regulation of the media. In a recent interview, FCC Commissioner Michael Copps, has called for greater Federal oversight and regulation of how the media reports the news.

December 7, 2010 Author: Followthemoney

Give Us Your Opinion: Do you think that the Federal government’s attempts to “protect” the internet would be a good thing or a bad thing?

This week, I want to get your thoughts on Federal government regulation of the internet. This week, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) stated its intention to begin policing and regulating the world wide web.

November 19, 2010 Author: Followthemoney

What Jerry Thinks: Stop the TSA!

What’s happening in our nation’s airports right now is quite simply mind-boggling.

Author: Followthemoney

Estate Planning 101 – Part 2

You should begin the estate planning process by understanding your particular circumstances, such as your age, health, and wealth.

Author: Followthemoney

Conspiracy of the Rich: An Interview with Robert Kiyosaki (Rich Dad, Poor Dad)

In this week’s special guest interview, Robert Kiyosaki joins Jerry Robinson to discuss his new book, Conspiracy of the Rich.

November 17, 2010 Author: Followthemoney

Give Us Your Opinion: Would You Give Up Your Mortgage Deduction for a Flat Tax?

As I reported earlier on this program, President Obama’s Deficit Commission has proposed some major spending cuts to Social Security, limiting Medicare and has even suggested the elimination of the popular mortgage interest deduction for homeowners. They have also proposed lowering tax rates and  simplifying the tax code.

Author: Followthemoney

This Week’s Financial Strategy – Estate Planning 101 – Part 1

Last week we talked about what estate planning is and who might need it.  Today, let’s talk about how to do it and where do you begin. You should begin the estate planning process by understanding your particular circumstances, such as your age, health, wealth, etc.

November 2, 2010 Author: Followthemoney

What Jerry Thinks: Why Gold and Silver Will Go Up From Here

There seems to be a major disconnect in the financial world today about what drives the prices of hard assets. This ignorance has been displayed through some well intentioned financial “experts” who have gone on record saying that gold and silver prices are in a bubble and have reached their peak.

October 25, 2010 Author: Followthemoney

What Jerry Thinks: ‘Big Brother’ is Watching

A new report details the plans of the British government to record and store every email, every phone call, and every website visit of every British citizen who uses a telephone or the internet.

Author: Followthemoney

This Week’s Financial Strategy – How to Protect Your Greatest Asset

If I were to ask you, What is your greatest asset?  Most people would say their home or their 401(k) or their IRA.  The truth is, during a person’s working years their greatest asset is their ability to earn an income.  So today I would like to focus on the importance of disability income insurance.

October 20, 2010 Author: Followthemoney

Recent Market Volatility Provides Buying Golden Opportunities

On Tuesday, the U.S. stock market suffered its worst day in two months. The recent volatility in the market continues to breed uncertainty among sheepish investors who are still in capital preservation mode.

Author: Followthemoney

Get Ready for Big Inflation

The Fed is attempting to create general expectations of inflation through its policy statements and actions.

October 16, 2010 Author: Followthemoney

Can Capitalism Save Us? An Interview with Steve Forbes

In this exclusive interview, Steve Forbes explains his view on the mid-term elections, the economic crisis, plus his predictions on precious metals.

Author: Followthemoney

This Week’s Financial Strategy – Planning for Long Term Care – Part 2

Hi Jerry. Last week we talked about how Medicare works when dealing with long term care needs.  What we discovered is that Medicare will only pay if you have first, spent at least three days in the hospital and then secondly, go to a skilled nursing facility. 

October 15, 2010 Author: Followthemoney

FTMQuarterly Newsletter – Fall 2010 Issue (PDF)

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October 9, 2010 Author: Followthemoney

Confessions of an Economic Hitman | An Interview with John Perkins

Jerry is joined by New York Times best-selling author and former “economic hitman”, John Perkins. Perkins is author of Confessions of an Economic Hit Man and Hoodwinked.

October 4, 2010 Author: Followthemoney

What Jerry Thinks: On Ron Paul and Ending the Federal Reserve

This week, U.S. Congressman Ron Paul continued his tireless campaign to end the Federal Reserve. On Thursday, Dr. Paul was interviewed over at the Fox Business Network.

September 25, 2010 Author: Followthemoney

Is the Dow Jones Going to 2,000? An Interview with Robert Prechter

Does Elliott Wave predict a deflationary depression or hyperinflation? Is the Dow Jones going to 2,000? Listen to the discussion with Jerry Robinson and Robert Prechter.

Author: Followthemoney

Q&A with Retirement Specialist John Bearss

The times we are living in have really escalated the need for financial planning.  I believe people are less fearful of the future if they have established a financial plan for themselves and their families because being prepared is the best solution to relieving stress and fear. 

September 14, 2010 Author: Followthemoney

The Creature From Jekyll Island – An Interview with G. Edward Griffin

This Week’s Topic: The Creature From Jekyll Island, A Second Look at the Federal Reserve. This week’s special guest interview: G. Edward Griffin. Follow the Money Weekly Radio is a financial radio show about the stock markets, commodities, energy investing, the global financial crisis, how to prepare for the coming hyperinflation, where to invest money, how to buy gold, how to buy silver, saving money, finding a financial advisor, and paying off debt. Hosted by economist and best-selling author, Jerry Robinson. For the best in financial news, listen to the Follow the Money Weekly Financial Radio Show.