Segment 1: The Next AI Horizon - Operation Stargate SEGMENT BEGINS AT 02:05 Host Jerry Robinson kicks off this episode with a look at Operation Stargate: what is it and why is it pivotal to the world of artificial intelligence? Topics include: What is Operation...
Segment 1: What's Behind the Market Meltdown?
With fears of the coronavirus hammering stock prices, economist Jerry Robinson examines the factors fueling the falling markets and the uncertain horizon ahead.
- Yields have collapsed and another Fed interest rate cut is likely in March
- Price discovery is hard to determine on rapidly falling stocks
- The coronavirus is still wrapped in uncertainty
- Trump’s proposal to temporarily cut payroll tax (to the tune of $1 trillion)
- Trump’s proposal for bailouts
Recommended Links
- (BOOK) Bankruptcy of Our Nation by Jerry Robinson
- Preparing for the Collapse of the Petrodollar System by Jerry Robinson
- PODCAST: Volatility Strikes in 2020
- Oil crashes by most since 1991 as Saudi Arabia launches price war (CNN Business)
- After a Buildup to Counter Iran, U.S. Troops Begin Leaving Mideast (WSJ)
- PODCAST: American Socialism 101
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April 18, 2020
Segment 2: An Interview with Professor/Author Richard Wolff
Highly-successful author, expert economist, and emeritus Professor Richard Wolff returns to our podcast to discuss the current market environment with Jerry. Also, he offers a fresh look at Karl Marx and socialism through his new book: Understanding Marxism.
- Sanders has achieved a historic victory by breaking the taboo of socialism in the U.S.
- On average in economic history, there is a downturn in capitalism every 4-7 years
- A symbol of the imbalance in the U.S. is the inequality
- Marxism is the critical shadow of capitalism
- There is no reason to be afraid of the debate between capitalism and socialism
- Marxism is the most developed accumulation of criticism – and is the “child” of capitalism
- Much of what is perpetuated in Karl Marx’ name is a case of unintended consequences
- The demonization of socialism is the fear that the leaders of capitalism won’t be the leaders of socialism
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Segment 3: The Final Word w/ Jerry Robinson
Jerry closes out today’s show with a simple yet challenging way to view every day of our lives.