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FTMDaily.com – The Islamic State (formerly known as ISIS) has finally provoked Washington into launching overt military action after President Obama just authorized “targeted” airstrikes against Islamic State jihadists (formerly known as ISIS) in Iraq.
Here’s the announcement:
Within 24 hours, it was reported that two U.S. FA-18’s dropped 500 pound bombs against ISIS forces outside Erbil, Iraq.
Here’s the latest from the MSM:
This is hardly a surprise as Washington has been making similar threats for weeks. However, a recent string of military victories by the Islamic State (IS) have alarmed Washington enough to provoke its military wrath.
IS jihadists have been instrumental in destroying the fragile U.S.-imposed order that bound Iraq together in the post-Saddam era. Today, the country is in an absolute state of chaos.
The Iraqi border with Syria has been obliterated…
The militants have seized the largest, and most strategic, dam in Iraq (the Mosul Dam.)
You can watch an eye-opening report about the Islamic State and its newly proclaimed Caliphate from inside Iraq below:
But its the human toll that has been most breathtaking.
The Islamic militants have brutalized minority groups across the country (and currently has 40,000 members of Iraq’s Yazidi group cornered on a remote mountainside. Their crime? Being “devil-worshippers.”)
Hundreds of thousands of Iraqis (and Syrians) have been displaced and persecuted.
The nation’s Christian community has been issued a “choice” by the Islamic militants: Leave, convert to Islam, or be killed.
Meanwhile, the country’s weak-fisted and largely unpopular Shi’ite Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki struggles to contain a forest fire with a single water hose. Without a strongman maintaining strict order (as in the “glory days” of Saddam), Iraq has fallen prey to the most radical elements infecting the region.
Therefore, it falls to the U.S. once again to intervene.
Here’s a summary of Obama’s justification for the airstrikes:
“The United States cannot and should not intervene every time there’s a crisis in the world. So let me be clear about why we must act, and act now. When we face a situation like we do… with innocent people facing the prospect of violence on a horrific scale, when we have a mandate to help… and when we have the unique capabilities to help avert a massacre, then I believe the United States of America cannot turn a blind eye.”
Even the Pope is weighing in, imploring world leaders to “take action.”
Islamic State militants have recently captured Qaraqoush, Iraq’s biggest Christian city…
The militants are removing crosses and destroying manuscripts.
It’s a complete humanitarian disaster and yet, the unfolding events oddly resemble a modern-day religious crusade pitting violent Muslims against violent Christians.
It seems only a matter of time before the Islamic militants (or inspired copycats) attempt an uprising in other parts of the world, including Europe, Australia, and perhaps even the U.S.
And it seems all but certain that the new “World War” that is currently brewing will impact the U.S. in a way never seen before in history.
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Good evening. Today I authorized two operations in Iraq — targeted airstrikes to protect our American personnel, and a humanitarian effort to help save thousands of Iraqi civilians who are trapped on a mountain without food and water and facing almost certain death. Let me explain the actions we’re taking and why.
First, I said in June — as the terrorist group ISIL began an advance across Iraq — that the United States would be prepared to take targeted military action in Iraq if and when we determined that the situation required it. In recent days, these terrorists have continued to move across Iraq, and have neared the city of Erbil, where American diplomats and civilians serve at our consulate and American military personnel advise Iraqi forces.
To stop the advance on Erbil, I’ve directed our military to take targeted strikes against ISIL terrorist convoys should they move toward the city. We intend to stay vigilant, and take action if these terrorist forces threaten our personnel or facilities anywhere in Iraq, including our consulate in Erbil and our embassy in Baghdad. We’re also providing urgent assistance to Iraqi government and Kurdish forces so they can more effectively wage the fight against ISIL.
Second, at the request of the Iraqi government — we’ve begun operations to help save Iraqi civilians stranded on the mountain. As ISIL has marched across Iraq, it has waged a ruthless campaign against innocent Iraqis. And these terrorists have been especially barbaric towards religious minorities, including Christian and Yezidis, a small and ancient religious sect. Countless Iraqis have been displaced. And chilling reports describe ISIL militants rounding up families, conducting mass executions, and enslaving Yezidi women.
In recent days, Yezidi women, men and children from the area of Sinjar have fled for their lives. And thousands — perhaps tens of thousands — are now hiding high up on the mountain, with little but the clothes on their backs. They’re without food, they’re without water. People are starving. And children are dying of thirst. Meanwhile, ISIL forces below have called for the systematic destruction of the entire Yezidi people, which would constitute genocide. So these innocent families are faced with a horrible choice: descend the mountain and be slaughtered, or stay and slowly die of thirst and hunger.
I’ve said before, the United States cannot and should not intervene every time there’s a crisis in the world. So let me be clear about why we must act, and act now. When we face a situation like we do on that mountain — with innocent people facing the prospect of violence on a horrific scale, when we have a mandate to help — in this case, a request from the Iraqi government — and when we have the unique capabilities to help avert a massacre, then I believe the United States of America cannot turn a blind eye. We can act, carefully and responsibly, to prevent a potential act of genocide. That’s what we’re doing on that mountain.
I’ve, therefore, authorized targeted airstrikes, if necessary, to help forces in Iraq as they fight to break the siege of Mount Sinjar and protect the civilians trapped there. Already, American aircraft have begun conducting humanitarian airdrops of food and water to help these desperate men, women and children survive. Earlier this week, one Iraqi in the area cried to the world, “There is no one coming to help.” Well today, America is coming to help. We’re also consulting with other countries — and the United Nations — who have called for action to address this humanitarian crisis.
I know that many of you are rightly concerned about any American military action in Iraq, even limited strikes like these. I understand that. I ran for this office in part to end our war in Iraq and welcome our troops home, and that’s what we’ve done. As Commander-in-Chief, I will not allow the United States to be dragged into fighting another war in Iraq. And so even as we support Iraqis as they take the fight to these terrorists, American combat troops will not be returning to fight in Iraq, because there’s no American military solution to the larger crisis in Iraq. The only lasting solution is reconciliation among Iraqi communities and stronger Iraqi security forces.
However, we can and should support moderate forces who can bring stability to Iraq. So even as we carry out these two missions, we will continue to pursue a broader strategy that empowers Iraqis to confront this crisis. Iraqi leaders need to come together and forge a new government that represents the legitimate interests of all Iraqis, and that can fight back against the threats like ISIL. Iraqis have named a new President, a new Speaker of Parliament, and are seeking consensus on a new Prime Minister. This is the progress that needs to continue in order to reverse the momentum of the terrorists who prey on Iraq’s divisions.
Once Iraq has a new government, the United States will work with it and other countries in the region to provide increased support to deal with this humanitarian crisis and counterterrorism challenge. None of Iraq’s neighbors have an interest in this terrible suffering or instability.
And so we’ll continue to work with our friends and allies to help refugees get the shelter and food and water they so desperately need, and to help Iraqis push back against ISIL. The several hundred American advisors that I ordered to Iraq will continue to assess what more we can do to help train, advise and support Iraqi forces going forward. And just as I consulted Congress on the decisions I made today, we will continue to do so going forward.
My fellow Americans, the world is confronted by many challenges. And while America has never been able to right every wrong, America has made the world a more secure and prosperous place. And our leadership is necessary to underwrite the global security and prosperity that our children and our grandchildren will depend upon. We do so by adhering to a set of core principles. We do whatever is necessary to protect our people. We support our allies when they’re in danger. We lead coalitions of countries to uphold international norms. And we strive to stay true to the fundamental values — the desire to live with basic freedom and dignity — that is common to human beings wherever they are. That’s why people all over the world look to the United States of America to lead. And that’s why we do it.
So let me close by assuring you that there is no decision that I take more seriously than the use of military force. Over the last several years, we have brought the vast majority of our troops home from Iraq and Afghanistan. And I’ve been careful to resist calls to turn time and again to our military, because America has other tools in our arsenal than our military. We can also lead with the power of our diplomacy, our economy, and our ideals.
But when the lives of American citizens are at risk, we will take action. That’s my responsibility as Commander-in-Chief. And when many thousands of innocent civilians are faced with the danger of being wiped out, and we have the capacity to do something about it, we will take action. That is our responsibility as Americans. That’s a hallmark of American leadership. That’s who we are.
So tonight, we give thanks to our men and women in uniform — especially our brave pilots and crews over Iraq who are protecting our fellow Americans and saving the lives of so many men, women and children that they will never meet. They represent American leadership at its best. As a nation, we should be proud of them, and of our country’s enduring commitment to uphold our own security and the dignity of our fellow human beings.
God bless our Armed Forces, and God bless the United States of America.