Segment 1: The Next AI Horizon - Operation Stargate SEGMENT BEGINS AT 02:05 Host Jerry Robinson kicks off this episode with a look at Operation Stargate: what is it and why is it pivotal to the world of artificial intelligence? Topics include: What is Operation...
Segment 1: Jerry Answers Your Questions
As you can imagine, we receive many questions every week here at Follow The Money Radio. In this segment, Jerry addresses a common thread among them as he answers the following questions:
- Is the stock market about to crash?
- Is it too late to buy Bitcoin?
- Why is Bitcoin outperforming gold?
- What are some of the investment themes that you like for the long-term?
- What is the difference between position trading and swing trading?
Recommended Links
- Become a Member of our Community
- PODCAST: The Bull Case for Bitcoin
- Citibank Analyst Says Bitcoin Could Pass $300K by December 2021 (Coindesk)
- A Legendary Hedge Fund Billionaire Just Flipped To Bitcoin—Calling It ‘Better’ Than Gold (Forbes)
- Follow The Money’s Cryptocurrency Portfolio
- PODCAST: The Case For $5,000 Gold
- New! Cannabis Investing Report
- What Type of Trader Are You?
- (AUDIO BOOK) Bankruptcy of Our Nation by Jerry Robinson
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Segment 2: And the winner is...
Jerry congratulates the winner of the 3-month Platinum membership (from our last podcast contest). Also, he announces his plan to present a new chance to win something very special on our next podcast.
Segment 3: The Final Word w/ Jerry Robinson
Jerry closes out today’s show by inviting us to take time for a moment of personal reflection.