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An Interview with Bob Wiedemer on his book Aftershock

February 16, 2011

Wiedemer Interview | Aftershock book by Robert Wiedemer, Bob Wiedemer, and David Wiedemer

AFTERSHOCK | An Interview with Bob Wiedemer


Listen as FTM Weekly Radio Host, Jerry Robinson, interviews author Bob Wiedemer about his latest book, Aftershock: Protect Yourself and Profit in the Next Global Financial Meltdown.

In this 25 minute interview, Bob Weidemer and Jerry Robinson discuss the U.S. stock market, emerging markets, and the overall U.S. economy. Enjoy! 

Special Guest Interview: Bob Wiedemer (Best-Selling Author, Economic Forecaster)

Bob Weidemer is President and CEO of the Foresight Group, a macroeconomic and risk assessment firm that helps investors and businesses make better decisions through well informed and objective economic forecasts and analysis. He is the author of Aftershock: Protect Yourself and Profit in the Next Global Financial Meltdown.

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About the Host: Jerry Robinson ( (Published Author, Conference Speaker, Economist) Jerry Robinson is an economist, published author, columnist, international conference speaker, and the editor of the financial website, In addition, Robinson hosts a weekly radio program entitled Follow the Money Weekly, an hour long radio show dedicated to deciphering the week's economic and geopolitical news. You can hear more interviews online at

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