(Recorded on 09/03/24) Historically speaking, September is the weakest month of the year for the U.S. stock market. In this video, learn four ways to counter September’s elevated market risk. Later, Jerry provides an update on Nvidia, Bitcoin, and more. ...
Segment 1: Are We Heading For Another Great Depression?
As the global economy grinds to a near halt amid the coronavirus pandemic, is an economic depression now inevitable? Economist Jerry Robinson examines the evidence and weighs in.
- In the Great Depression, the highest unemployment was around 25%
- The economic and health impact of the coming global tsunami
- The corporate media’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic has been as bad as the Federal government’s response
- Our polarizing “democracy”
- Let’s teach our children about the basics
- We tipped off our members about the recent crash (how to become a part of our community)
- Exposing the fake capitalism vs socialism debate in America
Recommended Links
- White House, Senate reach deal on massive $2 trillion coronavirus spending bill (NBC News)
- US unemployment could surge to 30% next quarter and GDP might plunge 50%, Fed’s Bullard warns (Markets Insider)
- VIDEO TEACHING: Overcoming Political (And Religious) Propaganda
- Five Levels of Financial Freedom
- Join our Community
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Segment 2: An Interview with John Rubino
In this segment, Jerry is joined by returning guest and popular financial author John Rubino for a discussion of our unprecedented times.
- Are we really living in “the greatest economy ever”?
- The economy will shrink dramatically and it will take awhile to come back
- Two Titanic forces: A natural disaster + unlimited currency printing presses
- The amplitude of the booms and busts is getting bigger
- A monetary reset may be good for the economy
- The downside of globalization – where do we go to hide?
- Perhap it’s time to reinstate the gold standard
- The crucial importance of diversification in a currency crisis
Recommended Links
- Dollar Collapse (John’s website)
- (BOOK) The Money Bubble: What To Do Before It Pops by John Rubino and James Turk
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April 18, 2020
Segment 3: The Final Word w/ Jerry Robinson
Jerry closes out today’s show with a thought-provoking question, especially for the world’s perceived “rich” Americans.