Segment 1: The Next AI Horizon - Operation Stargate SEGMENT BEGINS AT 02:05 Host Jerry Robinson kicks off this episode with a look at Operation Stargate: what is it and why is it pivotal to the world of artificial intelligence? Topics include: What is Operation...
Ron Paul: Predictions in Due Time
Regardless of political persuasions, few can disagree that Rep. Ron Paul was one of the few allies the American people ever had in Washington D.C.
As the above video demonstrates, Washington's folly is on full and open display for anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear. We repeat the same mistakes in each generation because we never learn from history. Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it over and over... and over again.
"Let it not be said that no one cared, that no one objected once its realized that liberties and wealth are in jeopardy." (Ron Paul)