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Follow The Money Radio

PODCAST: Seven Wisdom Keys for Financial Independence

July 6, 2017


In this holiday week's broadcast, economist and best-selling author Jerry Robinson shares seven important steps toward securing the rewards and opportunities that exist with financial freedom. Also, Tom Cloud reports on recent news in gold and silver.

Show Notes

Segment 1: Do You Long for Financial Liberty?
Segment begins at 01:37

It’s a proven fact that Americans just don’t know how to handle money and, despite the overwhelming need, the lack of helpful instruction continues to exist. Join trading coach and serial entrepreneur, Jerry Robinson, as he teaches us seven ways to begin changing the way we think about money and, ultimately, our financial circumstances.

  • Learn the difference between good debt and bad debt
  • Know your options when it comes to creating income streams
  • Consider upgrading your skill set or specializing in your area of expertise
  • Stop trying to keep up with the Jones’ (psst… the Jones’ are broke!)
  • Try to avoid the medical-industrial complex and the college-industrial complex, if possible
  • Write down your short-term and long-term goals
  • Live generously and be a channel of creative blessing to others

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Money As Debt – A Full Length Documentary
How to Pay off Debt… Fast!
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The Day I Woke Up From The Consumption Trap
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Segment 2: The Precious Metals Market Update
Segment begins at 34:25

Tom Cloud

With over 40 years of market experience, precious metals expert Tom Cloud brings us his perspective of what lies ahead for gold and silver. Topics include:

  • Metals market quiet, presents “incredible value”
  • Asian shortage of silver; U.S. silver supply abundant
  • Trump’s weaker dollar translates into higher metals prices
  • Why the expiration of July futures contracts is important
  • YTD: “A respectable year for gold and silver”

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Segment 3: The Final Word with Jerry Robinson
Segment begins at 41:50

Jerry closes out today’s show with a daunting question… “What, to the American Slave, is 4th of July?” On this very day, 165 years ago, Frederick Douglass addressed that question in a speech to the Rochester Ladies Anti-Slavery Society, in which he cries out, “O! had I the ability and could reach the nation’s ear…” Today, he does.

Recommended Links
Frederick Douglass: “What to the Slave is 4th of July?”
VIDEO: What the Bible Says About America

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