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Perspectives: The Glorious Casino of Wall Street

May 23, 2013

    by Jerry Robinson, Editor-in-Chief

    PERSPECTIVES – 5/23/13: Negative PMI numbers out of China rattled the global markets today. Japan, in particular, whose stock market leads the global QE-inspired stock rally, along with the U.S., suffered major early losses only to recover some of them by the end of the day. As of this writing, Japan’s Nikkei is already up over 3%, indicating that the selloff was indeed a buying opportunity.

    Big money is being made again in the stock markets. I have noticed many more of my trades are triggering, especially over the last several months. As dangerous as the market is, it represents one of the most alluring financial inventions known to man. But sharks rule Wall Street, and because they rarely go to jail, they will rob you with boldness. Caveat emptor (Buyer beware)!

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