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Nancy Pelosi Steps Right Over the Third Rail

July 25, 2010

    London Stansted Airport people mover central rail.
    Image via Wikipedia

    By Jerry Robinson |

    While checking the news on Sunday, I ran across this headline on the Drudge Report…

    “Pelosi, 70, Opposed to Raising Retirement Age.”

    You can read the story in its entirety here >>

    It seems that the coming debate over Social Security, that old “third rail” of American politics, is going to be just as difficult as most of us had expected.

    Think about it. Millions of hard-working Americans have paid lots of money into the Social Security system. Why shouldn’t ALL of them obviously expect to receive their share of SSI benefits in retirement.

    So what are the solutions?

    1) Cut benefits? Who is willing to be first in this line?

    2) Raise FICA taxes? Which modern politician is foolish enough to propose this plan?

    3) Print money? Ahhh… why not.

    America’s modern obsession with financial pain avoidance is why our economy is in the tank. Our financially reckless politicians actually believe that there is another exit door from our economic pain. Sacrifice is required but ignored. But sacrifice will only come after exhausting all other options, including the option of destroying the final vestiges of our currency through hyperinflation.

    What are you doing to prepare yourself against the inevitable?

    About Jerry Robinson

    Jerry Robinson is an economist, published author, columnist, international conference speaker, and the editor of the financial website, In addition, Robinson hosts a weekly radio program entitled Follow the Money Weekly, an hour-long radio show dedicated to educating, equipping, and empowering individuals to better understand money and finance.

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