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Obama: Fighting State-Led Marijuana Legalization Not a ‘Top Priority’

December 14, 2012

A Chart That Says the War on Drugs Isn't Working

Chart is by Matt Groff

by Jerry Robinson

The front page of the today has an image of a pot-smoking Obama with the caption: “Obama to Stoners: We’re Cool.”

The Drudge headline points to this recent interview with President Barack Obama expressing his belief that fighting the recent marijuana legalization laws in Colorado and Washington should not be a “top priority” of federal law enforcement officials.

You can watch the interview clip below.

“It would not make sense for us to see a top priority as going after recreational users in states that have determined that it’s legal,” he said.


Kudos to the people of Washington and Colorado for demanding their freedom and liberty. How novel to live in a State where ingesting a plant doesn’t bring the State stormtroopers out to knock in your door and put you in an iron cage.

Maybe our bankrupt Federal government is actually having to become selective in its tyranny over the American people. After spending $1.5 trillion of taxpayers money, I can only pray that the failed “War on Drugs” may be nearing its end. But forget for just a moment that the War on Drugs is a colossal failure. Its not just a failure… It is wrong and immoral.

As a strong proponent of States’ rights, this is a very good day. Regardless of a person’s views on the medical or recreational use of marijuana, the recent moves to legalize the plant in Washington and Colorado occurred through the democratic process. The people of these two States have spoken. So be it.

And while Obama’s recent comments are a step in the right direction, I believe that the Administration should go a step further and publicly state their refusal to interfere with the new legalization measures. The voice of the people should be respected in these two States, and all of the States that will inevitably follow them. (States that are considering marijuana legislation in the coming months include: Massachusetts, Maine, Vermont, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Alaska, Hawaii, Arizona, Montana, Minnesota and Nevada.)

As a Libertarian, I strongly believe that the size and scope of the Federal government should be curtailed. Marijuana is a plant. The fact that individuals can be sent to prison for growing a plant that the Feds deem “illegal” is the height of absurdity and, quite frankly, tyranny. Its time for the Federal government to admit that their massive “War on Drugs” was, and is, a colossal failure.

Conservatives should applaud Mr. Obama’s restraint and even encourage him to begin dismantling America’s costly, ineffective, and intrusive War on Drugs.

However, that would mean that conservatives would have to actually agree publicly with Obama on something of import. And that is highly unlikely, even if it violates their own political objectives.

In conclusion, observe the drug war clock below. The numbers represent the total for 2012 year-to-date.

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