(Recorded on 09/03/24) Historically speaking, September is the weakest month of the year for the U.S. stock market. In this video, learn four ways to counter September’s elevated market risk. Later, Jerry provides an update on Nvidia, Bitcoin, and more. ...
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Tom Cloud’s Precious Metals Market Update (7/20/16)
Precious Metals Advisor Tom Cloud shares his latest insights on the market events impacting the price of gold and silver.
No End In Sight To Insurmountable Global Debt:
- “Helicopter Ben” Bernanke recently visited Japan to help them solve their deflationary pressures by creating more money.
- Inflation could lead Japan’s Central Bank, with the second most U.S. bonds, to liquidate up to $1.2 trillion.
- With global debt at $100 trillion, US debt at $19 trillion, and no solution in sight except to reset to the standard, now is the time to consider gold and silver.
- Major political, geopolitical, and economic changes are on the horizon. Sign up for Tom Cloud’s free email market alerts here.
Investing wisely at a time when we are approaching economic collapse is so important. Listen in to hear more.
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