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INFOGRAPHIC: The U.S. Media is Controlled by Just Six Corporations

August 1, 2013

Thirty years ago, 90% of the media that most Americans consumed on a daily basis was controlled by 50 corporations. Today, in our age of corporate consolidation, mergers, and acquisitions, the number of corporate entities that control the national media has dwindled to just six. These include:

1. General Electric (Comcast, NBC, Universal Pictures, etc.)
2. News Corp. (FoxNews, Wall Street Journal, etc.)
3. Disney (ABC, ESPN, Pixar, etc.)
4. Viacom (MTV, Paramount Pictures, BET)
5. Time Warner (CNN, HBO, Time, etc.)
6. CBS (Showtime,, etc.)

In 2010, these corporate behemoths racked up $275.9 billion in combined total revenues.

You can learn much more in the informative infographic below.


*Infographic courtesy of

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