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FTM Daily News Update – 3/5/2012

March 5, 2012

    • According to the latest projections by the Congressional Budget Office, the Federal government will shell out $5,000,000,000,000.00 ($5 Trillion) over the next decade in interest on the nation's $15.4 trillion public debt. No wonder they want the Fed to keep interest rates low! Will hate to see the bill when (not if) interest rates go up.

    Like Exchange Traded Funds? Here's a list of the five best performing ETF's so far in 2012…  

    5) Vanguard MSCI Emerging Markets (VWO) +15.8%

    4) iShares MSCI Germany Index Fund (EWG) +18.3%

    3) Market Vectors Junior Gold Miners ETF (GDXJ) +19.3%

    2) iShares MSCI Brazil Index Fund (EWZ) +19.8%

    1) iShares Silver Trust (SLV) +24.1%

    • Rush Limbaugh advertisers fleeing after "slut" remark…
    • For the first time in decades, not a single new bank was launched as a start-up in 2011. Reason: Some say that buying failed banks is easier than launching a new one. Speaking of failures, 92 banks failed and 198 were absorbed through mergers in 2011, according to the FDIC.
    • Amy Strand and her 9-month-old daughter Eva were accosted by a TSA goon at the Lihue Airport in Hawaii after they asked her to prove that her breast pump was real. She was then told that she could not board the airplane with the breast pump. The TSA continues to violate the the American public's 4th Amendment rights by conducting illegal search and seizures of law-abiding citizens without probable cause. America needs to end the TSA now.
    • It's now official… According to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, Carlos Slim, the billionaire from Mexico, is now officially the richest man on earth. #2 Bill Gates; #3 Warren Buffett


    Pentagon Admits More 9/11 Remains Dumped in Landfill


    Ron Paul Interview On CNN State Of The Union


    Ron Paul on Face the Nation – CBS

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