(Recorded on 09/03/24) Historically speaking, September is the weakest month of the year for the U.S. stock market. In this video, learn four ways to counter September’s elevated market risk. Later, Jerry provides an update on Nvidia, Bitcoin, and more. ...
Segment 1: The Empire is Falling, Falling!
This year of 2020 has brought the bankruptcy of America into crystal clear focus. Ensnared by a debt-based monetary system, the U.S. is not growing at a rate fast enough to outpace its reckless spending. Economist and best-selling author Jerry Robinson sounds the alarm to wake up Americans to this brutal truth and to share economic hope for those who are eager to prepare for the inevitable.
- Sign #1 is America’s debt-based monetary system. The U.S. dollar is a Federal Reserve Note (loan) that must be paid back. America’s economic system sits atop a foundation of usury, which has created today’s outrageous and unsustainable debts.
- Sign #2 is the systematic destruction of the U.S. dollar that is occurring before our very eyes. The Federal Reserve continues to make historic moves that are leading to a massive debasing of the U.S. dollar’s purchasing power.
- Sign #3 is that the Federal Reserve operates with near zero accountability. Scandals plague the U.S. banking industry at an unprecedented level. The fox is guarding the hen house.
- Sign #4 is America’s over-reliance upon credit. Debt is at record highs at every level of the government and nearly every level of society. America’s debt binge is going to be its undoing.
- CONTEST: One lucky winner will receive a free audio version of Jerry’s best-selling book, Bankruptcy of Our Nation
To enter the contest, answer Jerry’s question on the podcast at info@followthemoney.com
Recommended Links
- (Audio Book) Bankruptcy of Our Nation by Jerry Robinson
- Billionaire investor Ray Dalio on capitalism’s crisis: The world is going to change ‘in shocking ways’ in the next five years (MarketWatch)
- First Mover: As Central Banks Print $1.4B an Hour, Bitcoiners Bet on Federal Reserve ‘Capture’’ (Nasdaq)
- FinCEN Files: HSBC moved Ponzi scheme millions despite warning (BBC)
- (BOOK) Bankruptcy of Our Nation by Jerry Robinson
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Segment 2: The Final Word w/ Jerry Robinson
Jerry closes out today’s show with a gentle reminder of our moral responsibility to help the less fortunate when we have it within our means to do so.