Platinum member Mastermind Group - Charting the Markets w/ Jerry Robinson

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Topics covered on this video coaching call (in order)
From the Mayan ruins in Mexico, Trading Coach Jerry Robinson analyzes the performance of the S&P 500, noting that the uptrend catalysts are still intact, although the market is currently experiencing a repricing of risk. Later, Jerry reviews the prices of "stubborn" metals gold and silver.
In this trendless market, Jerry reminds us that even the wisest trader proceeds with caution. Also, he admonishes new traders to resist shorting the market without education, experience, and a solid strategy.
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DISCLAIMER: The services provided in the Platinum Membership are intended only to provide information. Trading involves risk. Decisions to buy, sell, hold or trade in stocks, futures, securities, and other investments involve risk and are best made based on the advice of qualified financial professionals.