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Coming Soon: Details on America’s Assassination Program

September 30, 2013

    nsa assassination program

    In recent weeks, numerous countries, including Brazil and India, have expressed their outrage over ongoing revelations of the NSA’s continued and persistent violations of their national sovereignty.

    And now, a new report is emerging that two American journalists, with access to Edward Snowden’s vast NSA data collection, are teaming up to expose what they have called the NSA’s “U.S. assassination program.”

    The two journalists, Glenn Greenwald (Guardian reporter and lead journalist on the Snowden affair) and Jeremy Scahill (NY Times best-selling author of “Dirty Wars” and reporter for The Nation) have provided few details on the upcoming exposé, except to say that the “connections between war and surveillance are clear” and that the new project will center on “how the National Security Agency plays a significant, central role in the U.S. assassination program.”

    While the existence of a U.S. assassination program should not surprise many Americans, the forthcoming report from two seasoned journalists based upon the government’s own classified internal information as provided by Edward Snowden, will likely be devastating to America’s waning international relations.

    You can read the full report here

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