Segment 1: The Next AI Horizon - Operation Stargate SEGMENT BEGINS AT 02:05 Host Jerry Robinson kicks off this episode with a look at Operation Stargate: what is it and why is it pivotal to the world of artificial intelligence? Topics include: What is Operation...
by Jerry Robinson
The Daily Trigger Trade is an incredibly profitable daily stock trading service that provides stock trading ideas every single morning before the market’s opening bell. Here’s our three-step process for finding daily trading ideas.
1. Determine the General Market Conditions
Our first step is to determine the overall conditions within the general market. We use a color coded system to indicate the general market conditions: green, yellow, and red. These signals appear at the top of our members-only trading room every morning.
GREEN = Market is in a Confirmed Uptrend. When the market is in a confirmed uptrend, the indicator light is green. This is the best time to find profitable trigger trades as investors are feeling positive as stock prices are trending higher.
YELLOW = The Uptrend is Under Pressure. When the market’s uptrend comes under selling pressure, the indicator light switches to yellow. When this occurs, our trigger trading ideas become much more conservative as investor sentiment begins to turn toward the expectation of an end to the market’s uptrend.
RED = The Market is in Correction Mode. When the stock market encounters an immense amount of selling pressure by institutional investors, our market indicator light will turn red. This is the dangerous time for stock traders who do not know how to short stocks. While our system still identifies trading ideas during a correction mode, the number of trading ideas will certainly be less than when the market is experiencing a general uptrend. However, these times of a market downtrend often generate a large number of trading opportunities once a market uptrend resumes.
(While these three indicators for general market conditions are vital to the continued success of short-term traders, they also benefit long-term investors in determining their entry and exit strategies.)
2. Isolate the Most Profitable Sectors and Industries
Once we have determined the general market conditions, we scan the market to identify the market’s leading sectors and industries. Smart investors and traders know that 70% of the movement in a stock’s price on any given day is directly caused by the conditions facing its overall sector and industry. Our trading system isolates the top sectors and industries as these will often provide the best short-term trading opportunities.
3. Screen for Stocks that are Poised to Provide Quick Profits
Over the last 15 years of active stock trading, I have created several of my own proprietary stock screens in order to quickly identify potential trading opportunities. As an FTM Insider, you will receive a stock every trading day that passes my screening process. Every morning, when our subscribers log into the Gold member Dashboard, they have access to the list of stocks that I am monitoring during that day along with our “trigger” price and “stop loss” price. Put simply, if one of our listed stocks rises to our “trigger” price, that is our buy signal. My personal goal is to earn anywhere between 1%-5% on each trade within a very short time frame. (My average holding time on stocks that reach their trigger price is anywhere from 5 hours to 5 days.) To protect against major trading losses, I ALWAYS place a stop loss order immediately after buying a stock. The stop loss price for each stock is always provided in our Gold member Dashboard.
This is the Trading System You Have Been Looking For…
Subscribe to the Gold member Community now and get instant access to our Daily Trigger Trade!
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Jerry's Best-selling Book, Bankruptcy of our Nation (We will also include a free autographed copy of Bankruptcy Of Our Nation.) |