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Give Us Your Opinion: Would You Give Up Your Mortgage Deduction for a Flat Tax?

November 17, 2010

An excerpt from Follow the Money Weekly Radio with Jerry Robinson – 11/13/10

To hear the entire program, click here.


President's Advisory Panel for Federal Tax Reform
Image via Wikipedia

As I reported earlier on this program, President Obama’s Deficit Commission has proposed some major spending cuts to Social Security, limiting Medicare and has even suggested the elimination of the popular mortgage interest deduction for homeowners. They have also proposed lowering tax rates and  simplifying the tax code.

So here’s this week’s question: If you are a homeowner, would you be willing to give up your mortgage deduction for a flat tax?

Send your comments to us by email here. (Be sure to include your name and town.)

Or sound-off by leaving a voice message on the FTM Toll Free Message Hotline at 800-609-5530.

(If we like what you to say, we will play your comments on next week’s program. Be sure to speak slowly and begin by telling us your name and town.)

We will report back to you with the results on next week’s program.

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s I reported earlier on this program, President Obama’s Deficit Commission has proposed some major spending cuts to Social Security, limiting Medicare and has even suggested the elimination of the popular mortgage interest deduction for homeowners. They have also proposed lowering tax rates andsimplifying the tax code.

So here’s this week’s question: If you are a homeowner, would you be willing to give up your mortgage deduction for a flat tax?

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