(Recorded on 01/14/25) In this members-only webcast, trading coach Jerry Robinson shares our dollar-cost-average investment strategy for Q1 2025, including the specific stocks, ETFs, and cryptos we are buying. – DCA Investment Strategy 101 –...
Europe’s Four Largest Economies Grow in Unison for First Time in Three Years
Based upon the latest GDP figures, the overall European economy has now expanded three quarters in a row. Pockets of confidence are beginning to break out across Europe’s economy and even though Europe’s economy as a whole is still underperforming the U.S. and the U.K., things have certainly been improving on paper for Europe. According to the Telegraph-UK:
“The eurozone has taken a major step towards recovery with the single currency’s four major economies all growing for the first time in almost three years. Germany, Italy, and France all registered expansion in the final three months of 2013, official figures showed, with France avoiding a dreaded double-dip recession and Germany, the region’s biggest economy, performing better than had been expected. Along with Spain, which last month recorded its best quarterly growth since 2008, the countries led the 18-currency bloc to growth of 0.3pc in the final three months of 2013.”
While the growth is certainly muted, it is better than the Euroskeptics expected. The last time Europe’s four biggest economies grew in unison like this was the first quarter of 2011. France was the big surprise here as it was beginning to look as if the French economy was going to experience a double-dip recession. Keep your eyes on European stocks as we expect them to outperform in 2014 and beyond.
Inside this Issue
Hedge Funds Raise Gold Bull Bets
Big money begins to rush into gold as the buying momentum for the yellow metals begins to surge.
Bank Of America Warns “The US Dollar Is In Trouble”
BOA says that global financial and commodity markets are warning that the U.S. Dollar is in for a bout of trouble.
Greek PM: Budget surplus will be double target
Greece’s primary budget surplus for 2013 will be nearly double its target, the country’s prime minister said Sunday.
Japan GDP Biggest Miss In 18 Months
Japan’s economy grew less than expected last year, despite forecasts it would benefit from a jump in spending ahead of a sales tax increase in April.
How Big Banks Are Cashing In On Food Stamps
Many benefit programs have gone high tech with debit cards and J.P. Morgan Chase and others are making a pretty penny charging users fees.
In ‘Unthinkable’ Shift, U.S. Could Be Net Natural Gas Exporter by 2016
Now the debate has turned to whether the U.S. should export its newfound natural gas wealth or try to keep domestic gas prices as low as possible by retaining supplies for domestic use.
U.S. Food Prices Soar as Incomes Stand Still
While the government says prices are up 6.4 percent since 2011, chicken is up 18.4 percent, ground beef is up 16.8 percent and bacon has skyrocketed up 22.8 percent, making it a holiday when it’s on sale.
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U.S. Financial MarketsReal-time Gold and Silver Prices |
Precious Metals Market Update with Tom Cloud
Report: Saudi Arabia Wants Uranium-Enrichment Capacity
The Saudi kingdom publicly announced their intention to secure nuclear technology amid growing tensions with Iran.
Tens of Thousands of Turks Stage Anti-Government Protests in Istanbul
The crowds chanted against the prime minister, shouting “Recep Tayyip Erdogan is the thief,” while demanding the resignation of his government.
Homeless Hungarian Man Wins Lottery Jackpot With His Last Few Coins
He now plans to use his winnings to establish a foundation for addicts and women abused by their husbands.
Syrian Energy Deal Puts Russia in Gas-Rich Med Sea
New 25-year energy deal gives the Russians their first real foothold in the Levant Basin, considered to be rich in natural gas.
PODCAST: What’s Ahead for Gold & Silver in 2014?
Broadcast Every Saturday Morning – Hosted by Jerry Robinson
Topic: On this week’s episode, Jerry Robinson explores the precious metals markets, gives guidance on U.S. stocks and warns about China.
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U.S. Army Builds Fake American City to Shoot at During Training
The U.S. army has built an entire fake city including a school, a mosque and a football stadium.
Merkel, Hollande to Discuss European Communication Network Avoiding U.S.
Europeans look to devise network to avoid emails and other data passing through the United States.
Saudi Arabia to Shut Down Offending Websites
Saudi Arabia plans to shut down websites that are deemed “offensive” to Islam or that “insult community traditions.”
Feds Want to Track Your DNA Like a License Plate
The federal government doesn’t just want the ability to track down your car; it wants to be able to track down your body as well.
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