(Recorded on 09/17/24) In part two of our series on risk, learn how to quantify risk and return with key concepts like standard deviation and max drawdown. We also stress sequence of returns risk, which can make or break your retirement plan. Later, what to...
Segment 1: Level 4 - Build and Diversify Investments
- Saving, investing, and trading are three different types of financial activities
- Invest Broadly Across Various Asset Classes – Keeping a mix of asset classes is the key to diversification
- Remember P.A.C.E. for Inflation Protection – P = Precious Metals, AC = Agricultural Commodities, E = Energy
- Avoid Overweighting in One Area – Because the “rules of the game” can change at any time
- Trade Cash for Cash Flow When Possible – Often, opting for cash flow instead of lump sums makes more financial sense
- Create Multiple Streams of Income – In order to achieve financial freedom, income diversification is vital
Segment 2: The Final Word w/ Jerry Robinson
Jerry closes out today’s show with a simple recipe for abundant living from a prominent 18th-century theologian.