(Recorded on 09/17/24) In part two of our series on risk, learn how to quantify risk and return with key concepts like standard deviation and max drawdown. We also stress sequence of returns risk, which can make or break your retirement plan. Later, what to...
Segment 1: Reward Your Future Self
Driven by an insatiable desire to see others achieve financial security, financial coach Jerry Robinson presents a practical approach to help make saving and investing a profitable life-long habit.
- The day that will transform your financial life is the day that you make saving and investing a personal habit
- 3 major habits that will dramatically improve your life
- Before you invest, see our Five Levels of Financial Freedom
- Dollar-cost averaging is the act of investing your investment dollars over time
- We personally prefer to dollar-cost average into high-quality assets regularly
- The longer that you invest, the lower your overall risk
- Expect some down quarters and down years in your pursuit of strong long-term gains
- Don’t stop investing – put it on auto-pilot
Segment 2: Tax-Free Income for Small Business Owners
Christian financial advisor Mike Mitchell has been helping small businesses and individuals with retirement for 40 years. Listen in as he shares a unique tax-free retirement alternative for business owners.
- Learn about a unique tax-free retirement alternative for small business owners
- This strategy is not an ERISA-based plan
- A business owner can use corporate dollars to fund a plan for him alone
- A business write-off on the front end, tax-free income on the back end!
- As a business owner, what is your exit plan?
- Do you have a financial planning question?
- Contact Mike Mitchell at 833-370-0777 (toll-free)
Recommended Links
Segment 3: Our New Crypto Leaderboard
FollowTheMoney.com CEO Jerry Robinson shares exciting news about his brand new Crypto Leaderboard service, which keeps users focused on the hottest crypto markets right now.
- This powerful new service ranks the top 50 cryptos by trend strength
- We spotlight the top three cryptos with charts and commentary
- This is the service that Jerry always wanted as an early crypto investor
- The current #1 crypto leader on our Leaderboard recently gained 100% in less than three weeks!
- The Crypto Leaderboard is now available without a membership
Segment 3: The Final Word w/ Jerry Robinson
Jerry closes out today’s show with a striking quote by one of the greatest scholars of the Renaissance era.