(Recorded on 01/14/25) In this members-only webcast, trading coach Jerry Robinson shares our dollar-cost-average investment strategy for Q1 2025, including the specific stocks, ETFs, and cryptos we are buying. – DCA Investment Strategy 101 –...
Segment 1: The 5 Levels of Financial Freedom
Segment begins at 01:14In this segment, Jerry offers valuable financial wisdom and guidance in the quest for financial independence. Highlights include:
- POP QUIZ: What is the chief competitor for man’s heart?
- Does your financial plan have a solid foundation?
- The immense advantages of diversification
- Why a Charitable Giving Plan is essential for good stewardship
- How prepared are you in the event of an emergency?
- Do you have adequate family and asset protection?
- Why creating multiple streams of income is crucial
Follow the Money’s 5 Levels of Financial Freedom
Follow the Money’s Charitable Giving Worksheet
Follow the Money PODCAST: Level 1 – Build an Emergency Reserve
Follow the Money: Stop Living Paycheck-to-Paycheck: 11 Ways to Increase SavingsBankruptcy of Our Nation by Jerry Robinson
Segment 2: The Precious Metals Market Update
Segment begins at 30:30With over 40 years of market experience, precious metals expert Tom Cloud brings us his perspective of what lies ahead for gold and silver. Topics include:
- All eyes on the FOMC
- 2017 Performance Review: Gold +7%, Silver +12%
- The U.S. Debt Clock and Precious Metals
- The $74 Trillion (yes, that’s a “T”!) U.S. Entitlement Debt
- Alan Greenspan: Ron Paul Was Right About The Gold Standard
- How France and the Netherlands may soon impact gold prices
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