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Bitcoin 101 Video

Original price was: $37.Current price is: $17.

Have you heard about Bitcoin but still not sure what exactly it is and why someone would want to buy it?

Get empowered with the knowledge to navigate the world of Bitcoin with this special introductory video.

What You Get: 60-minute Bitcoin 101 video with instructor Jerry Robinson. Note: This product is non-refundable.



In this special video presentation, trading coach and early Bitcoin investor Jerry Robinson explains what Bitcoin is, how it works, why it is so attractive to investors, and what the future could hold for this unique asset.

Included in this video:

– Bitcoin 101: Cryptography meets payment technology

– Why it’s all about the “Dapps”

– Bitcoin is the world’s first “decentralized” currency (and commodity)

– Bitcoin is a currency without a government

– Only 21 million Bitcoin will ever exist and this finite supply will be reached by 2140

– Our two very important crypto investing rules

– And so much more!

Instructor: Jerry Robinson, Bitcoin early investor/adopter and founder

Please note that this product is non-refundable. You can view our full refund policy here.