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VIDEO: War-time Investing 101

fade-leftfade-rightCHART ANALYSIS: War-time Investing 101

What can modern-day traders and investors learn from the U.S. stock market's reaction to WWI, WWII, the Vietnam War, and the current "War on Terror?" Find out in this members-only video. 

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Topics covered on this video coaching call (in order)

In our present age of seeming perpetual war, a historic review of the U.S stock market’s response to war (and its inevitable inflationary pressures) is instructive for modern-day investors and traders. Jerry shares insights from the stock market’s reaction to WWI, WWII, the Vietnam War, and the current “War on Terror.” Later, Jerry comments on the market’s initial contrary reaction to the Fed rate hike last week, as well as the growing military posturing in the world. And finally, three water stocks we like.

On today’s call, Jerry offers a brief analysis of the following:
PowerShares DB US Dollar Bullish ETF (UUP)
– iShares India 50 (INDY)
– and many more ETFs that we track each week for our members

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