As a Platinum member of, you have access to Jerry Robinson’s real-time trading alerts via our private Twitter feed.
Every time Jerry buys or sells a stock or ETF in his own personal “Platinum” portfolio, he issues an alert on our live Twitter feed.
If you are already signed up for our real-time alerts on Twitter, you can view our latest alerts and updates on Twitter here.
However, if you are not currently receiving our real-time trading alerts on Twitter, learn how you can get access by watching the brief video below or by following the instructions on this page below.
VIDEO: How to Access our Real-Time Trading Alerts on Twitter
Visual Instructions: How to Access our Real-Time Trading Alerts on Twitter
1) Visit your My Account page on and enter your Twitter username. By associating your Twitter username with your Platinum membership account, we can affirm your identity and grant you access to our private Twitter feed.
Next, simply enter your Twitter username into the empty text field
2) Visit our private Twitter page (while logged in to Twitter) and click the “Follow” button.
And that’s it! Once you have added your Twitter username to your FTM profile and have clicked the “Follow” button on our private Twitter page, simply allow 24-48 hours for our team to approve your access.